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Karma's POV

It was 5:40, and we decided to go home already. It's getting dark and chilly outside. We were walking down the dark pathway when 5 yakuza looking men appeared before us.

"Hey hey hey~ You're Akabane Karma aren't cha?"

I hid Manami behind me, incase.

"Yeah. Do you need anything with me?" I asked flatly.

"Yeah. You see, somebody reported that you broke our Shogun's nose and wrist and you hurt one more member of our group"

"Heh~ ain't that hilarious? Plus, I wasn't the one wo attacked~ They charged at me first"

"You brat! We're gonna teach you not to mess with us!!" He then takes out a metal pipe and tried to hit me. I caught it and kicked his groin. He was there, kneeling down, clutching on it.

"Leader!" The other four charged at me. I told Manami to stay back for a sec before facing them.

Manami's POV

Karma told me to stay back for a sec.
I was scared. But more than that, I was worried... This scene reminds me of the that time in our middle school field trip. When we walked into that alley and a bunch of highschoolers tried to abduct Kayano and Kanzaki-chan. I remembered how Karma got hit by a pipe on his head when he got distracted trying to save them... and I..... I just hid..... I'm such.. a helpless coward.....

-Author's POV-

With Manami at the back, Karma was now confident that he wouldn't get her involved in this. His eyes glinted with bloodlust, ready for anything that they would throw at him. The four other men charged at him. The first had a pocket knife. He tried to slash Karma, but then he ducked and swiped him off balance. The next one tried to hit him but Karma got ahead of him. He landed a roundhouse kick right on his jaw, which knocked him out. The third one tried the same thing, and he was punched in the guts. The first one got up and tried again, but Karma grabbed his arm and slammed him on the cold hard ground. The fourth one was about to piss himself when Karma was walking toward him..

"You're the last huh?"

"N-no... get away from me!!" He tried to hit Karma with the bat he was carrying, which missed.....   

-hilariously- (well, try imagining him swinging a bat 2 meters far from his target)

"Scared?" Karma said smirking

He then hit him with his special axe kick and knocked him out.

"That's all of them huh.."

Manami started running up to Karma and hugged him from behind.



Karma's eyes widen when he heard her little sniffles and his back was starting to get wet.

"Manami? You alright? "


He noticed the men moving and decided to walk away from the scene.
They were now in front of her house.

"Manami?" This time, he faced her and lifted her face.

He saw her red puffy eyes, and soften his expression

"Manami... look I--



"You idiot!"She knocked on his chest repeatedly.

Karma was taken aback from her sudden outburst.

"You idiot! Idiot! Idi--

Karma hugged her in attempt to calm her down.

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