Moving Out

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Helllooooo!!! Loook who's baaack!!! Its the stupid author of this stupidly written fanfic!!! I love yoouuuuu guuuyss. School was just getting in the way of our love!!! Let's ditch it!!
I'm on drugs lol ⚠ (nakasinghot ata ako ng rugby  kanina eh😂)

Michiko and Taiga had blank looks on their faces while Karma was packing up his stuff.

"B-Baby... you....."


"I can't believe you're leaving us!!!!!! Whyyyyyyyyy?!?!?!"

Michiko cried as she hugged the life out of the redheaded teenager. Taiga also added to his suffering

"M-mom D-daaahh-- you're k-killing me--" Karma said as he gasped for air

His parents released him from their deadly grasp as he slumped to the ground.

"But why so sudden?" His father asked in a worried tone

"Yeah and! And-- leaving us??? We'll be lonely!!" Michiko added

"Mom, Dad. We talked about this like 2 weeks ago. What do you mean sudden? "

"Buuuuuut---- waaaaaahhhhh"

Karma struggled to get out of his mother's death hug again.Then the door suddenly opened, revealing his best friend. Nagisa was about to say something when he saw the current situation.

"Uhhh...I think I walked in at the wrong time...... See you later I guess?" He walked outside quickly

"Ooi Nagisa!! Atleast help me get out of this situation!! Oi!! Nagisa!! Nagisaaaaa!"

"Mooom let go-- there are people outside waiting for me-- Moooooom-


"It's really lively when his parents are home huh?" Asano chuckled

"Yeah, without them this house is really quiet... It's good to know that they're with him now.... unlike before.." Nagisa smiled lightly


"They were not around for years. He was always alone when he was a child."

"Oh.. Akabane had that kind of lonely past huh..."

The door bursted open as Karma ran and grabbed both of them and dashed to the train station.

Karma's POV

"What's wrong with them? Yeesh they treat me like a child" I huffed

"They're just worried about you, Karma" Nagisa said, after catching his breath.

"By the way... why are you here Asano? " I asked, despite knowing the reason why.

"Curiosity took over my body" he smirked

"Curiosity killed the cat, dude"

"Well, I'm no cat"

"W-Well.. enough of that! Let's go to our new home!" Nagisa cheered.

"Yeah sure. We worked hard to get  it afterall " I said nonchlantly.

Nagisa and Asano's face turned pale as they remembered what we have to go through in order to get that apartment

3 weeks Ago....

The three of us were checking out a big apartment with three rooms so that we could save money. We don't  want to be dependent on our parents after all.....

and we found a perfect one but....


"Uh--uhm... miss? Are you the landlady?" Nagisa asked, shaking from fear. The woman was atleast 2 meters tall and had a muscular build.
(If you want an example, search for Ekaterina, Elizabeth or Margaret from Magi😂😂😂)

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