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Makoto's POV

It's Saturday, 6:00 am on the morning.

Hah.... being in the night shift really drains a heck lot of energy from you huh? being a nurse is really troublesome. I got my keys and opened my apartment. I then saw a redheaded teenager in the living room, placing something in the DVD cabinet. "

"A thief?" I thought.

He seemed busy, so I took the opportunity to hit him with my bag but he dodges easily. Curse his fast reflexes.

"W-wait sir, I can explain!"

I tried to hit him again but tripped on the coffee table and fell. He looked at me with a puzzled look and perked up as if he realized something.

"Are you Okuda Manami-san's brother?" He asked while helping me to stand up.

"Yeah that's right. So what are you doi-"

"Onii-chan! Good morning! Oh, you already met Karma-kun?" My lil' sis said as she went out of her room.

"Karma?" What kind of parents would name their child like that?

"Yo Mako-nii~" Nakamura greeted as she followed Nami-chii out of her room.

"Karma? You mean this redheaded punk over here? " i said pointing at him.

"Yes. Ah, he sleeped over last night."

"Oh... I see. I thought he was a thief- wait what? He what?!"

"He slept here last night" Nakamura repeated.

I glared at the redhead.

"Ah-- it's not like that onii-chan! It was raining really hard last night so he had to stay over... and he had no umbrella and mine was also broken..." Nami-chii while blushing and fidgeting.

Ok. Ok. *sigh*

If this misunderstanding wasn't cleared on time, I would have beaten the crap out of him thinking he was a thief. He also touched my precious DVD collections.

"Oh, I'm sorry Okuda-san. I was just returning the DVD we watched last night." The redhead spoke.

"Oh ok.. ok.. I'm sorry." I mumbled the last part. Then I looked at him again then to Nami-chii. I looked at him again.

"Wait.. Don't tell me you..."

"Hahaha~ let me guess Mako-nii. Are Nami-chii's BOYFRIEND?~ " Nakamura said as if she was reading my mind.

Both the redhead and Nami-chii blushed and shook their heads vigorously.


I smirked at their sudden outburst and laughed.

"Hah, I'm relieved~ because if you were her BOYFRIEND without my consent..... I would make you go through hell before you can touch her." I said while wrapping my arms around Nami-chii's shoulder, smiling.

" I wouldn't mind that though." He replied with a little chuckle.

" I haven't asked her out yet. And even if I do, I wouldn't mind you putting me through "hell". Okuda-nii san~." He said while smirking.

"Hah.. try me." I said.

Manami's POV

I felt blood rush to my face as he said that.

" I haven't asked her out yet. And even if I do, I wouldn't mind you putting me through "hell". Okuda-nii san~."

W-w-wha? "Yet"?? I thought. I was thinking about what Karma-kun said. My train of thoughts were cut off.

"Hah.. try me." My brother replied.

The whole encounter caused Rio-chan to laugh out loud.

Karma kun just smirked and looked at me. My heart jumped up and down as my face feels like burning. I just brushed away my thoughts. Maybe it's just that Karma-kun doesnt want to lose to my brother and thaat's that. Don't assume anything Manami! I said to myself, feeling quite satisfied with my conclusion.

*The next Day*

It's a Sunday morning. I woke up quite early because of an unknown reason. I checked my phone.

1 unread message.

From: Karma-kun (カルマ くん)

Good morning Okuda-san. ☺☺

I smiled at his text as I walk down the stairs.

Ma: Good morning Karma-kun. You're already awake? It's still 5:00 am.

Ka: Yeah, Okuda-nii san and I are about to start our basketball match right now. Bye. that so.......what?!

I rushed outside the house and went to the nearest basketball court. It's true, they are having a one-on-one match this early in the morning. Karma-kun was wearing a black tank top and a black basketball shorts with no. 25 on it. My brother was wearing his favorite white basketball jersey with no. 30 on it.

"They surely have gotten close." I thought to myself.

I sat in a bench near the court and watch them play. I giggled since Karma-kun is winning easily. My brother asked for another round. And another. He keeps on losing to Karma-kun. Maybe because of the height differrnce? (Sorry nii-chan) The game ended with Karma-kun as the sole victor. It's aleady 7:25 when the match ended. He laughed triumphantly at his victory against my brother who was now panting and almost out of breath. I waved at them.

"Yo Manami-chan~" Karma-kun greeted.

I was taken a back. M-manami-chan?
He's using my first name already? I blushed.

"G-good morning K-karma-kun. " I said.

"Let's drop the honorifics already
and call me just Karma ." he said nonchlantly with a smile planted on his face.

"Ok.. Karma."

But what's with the sudden change? I asked him curiously.

"Well, about the basketball match. We made a bet. If I win against him, I can call you by your first name, since it"s confusing to call you two
But he didn't agree so.... "

"Right, Makoto-nii san?~"

"Yeah yeah. Watever." My brother said with an annoyed voice.

I just sweatdroped at their childishness and bickering. I think they will be good friends though.


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