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Akabane Household

"Soooo~ How's our baby boy doing?" Karma's mom asked energetically, practically crushing him with her deadly hug.

"M-mom knock it of!! I-I can't breathe!!!!" He said, struggling to get out of the woman's grip.

"Ahahaha sorry dear baby~ I just missed you sooooo much!!!" Then she pecked the boy's forehead.

"Please stop the 'baby' thing mom."

"Awwww~ but I missed you sooo much" she tried to kiss him again but got blocked by his palms.


"Booo" his mom said pouting

"Karma! Michiko! You two come here! Dinner's ready!!~" The black haired man called from the kitchen.

As the two entered, the aroma of fresh roasted beef and other delicious food lingered in  the air.

"What's with the fancy dinner dad?" Karma said, eyeing all the dishes his dad made.

"Well, we're home!! We have to celebrate!!" He said, laughing and rubbing his son's head.

The three of them sat down for dinner. The Akabane dinner would never be silent of course.  With his parents in there, it's like someone threw a late night party at their house.

"So~ how's my young and dashing baby boy~?

"Mom. Please stop that. It's really embarrassing " he said, face palming.

"Hmm~ he is already a 17 year old man Michiko. So I agree with him."

Karma looks at his dad and smiles a bit.

"But, he's still our adorable baby boy~~" he cooed


Dinner continued on, with his parents talking and chatting noisily . Him face palming, and groaning sometimes.... but, deep inside, he was happy they were there. They were complete.  He was satisfied with that. But he knew it wouldn't last too long.

"So when is the next trip?" He asked all of a sudden. His mother went silent and had a sad smile on her face.

"Next month... I guess?" She said,  looking right into her son's golden mercury orbs.

"Eh.. that's longer than I expected." He smiled and looked at her, understandingly.

Karma's parents usually leave home every week for bussiness trips and stay for 3 days when they get back home. It was the same cycle, over and over again.

"Well, since we have more time, why don't we go out this weekend?" His father said cheerfully. "

"Yeah. Good idea" he said as he took a bite of the food.

"By the way Karma" his father was eying him playfully


"Do we already have a daughter-in-law?"

Karma spat out the water he was drinking on his dad's face.

"Well?~~" he said, wiping off the mess.


He wasn't used talking tohis parents about his love life since he rarely talks to them. And they also keep pestering him to stop turning down girls and get a girlfriend already.

"Awwww!!! Really?! Our baby has a girlfriend already!!! Wahhh I wanna meet her!!" Karma's mother exclaimed

"Hey~ let us meet her lil' one" his father said while rubbing his hands on Karma's head. It was his habbit btw.

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