"Well, sorry for running into you, Parker." I tip my chin at him in goodbye and make my way to my car.

I hear him shout a goodbye and then turn my head to see him run into another person right after me. "Goddamnit!" He yells and I laugh as my feet carry me away.

As I hop into my car, I remember that my mother took the day off which automatically puts me in a bad mood. I decide to drive down to Lenny's Coffee Shop and get a head start on my next essay. Luckily for me, this time the essay subject is actually on something that I enjoy.

My car rides filled with open-ended thoughts and useless humming along to the alternative music that filled my ears. I sigh as I hop out of my car and tuck my headphones into my pocket.

"Hey there, Lena!" Lenny greets me as I walk through the door and I give him a big smile. Since the seating is "help yourself" I place my bag down in my usual corner of the shop and walk up to Lenny.

"Hey Lenny, how's work today?" Lenny types in my order and shouts it back like usual before giving me an exhausted expression.

"Long, no doubt. I don't know why so many people come here in the afternoon. Doesn't anybody work anymore?" I give my best sympathetic look to Lenny. I pat his back and hand him my cash.

"Don't worry, Lenny. The more people you serve, the more money you get!" I exclaim and notice my sudden positivity. Even Lenny seems surprised.

"True enough," He chuckles and twirls the hair of his beard. "Take a seat sweetheart. I'll have one of the girls bring it over to you." I nod as he waves me off and I plop down into the comfort of my favorite booth.

I pull out my laptop and open up a fresh page to type my nonsense. Considering creativity has fled my body, writing this essay may be a bit more difficult than I presumed.

"Medium Carmel Iced Latte, right?" A new waitress with short brunette hair stands above me with my drink in hand, and I nod. She places it down and brushes off her apron.

"Thanks, are you new?" I ask politely. She looks to be my age, but I can't recognize her from school. Not that I pay attention anyway.

"That obvious?" She sighs and laughs right after wiping the sweat off her forehead.

"No, no. I'm just here nearly every day of my life, and I didn't recognize you, that's all." She nods in understanding, and I smile back at her.

"I should get back to it, see you around then?"

"Yep. Bye, thanks for the coffee." I relax back and bite on my straw as I try to mix up something to write.

Just as I am on the verge of an idea, a younger girl looks up at me with wide eyes as she pulls on my black t-shirt.

I look down at the doe-eyed girl and smile. "Hey there, where'd you come from?" I ask, my voice raising as it usually does when speaking to kids.

"You're pretty!" She says with a satisfied smile. Her two front teeth are missing and her bright yellow dress swings around as she rocks back and forth. Pretty? That's not the usual reaction I get from younger kids.

I tuck my hair behind my ear. "Why thank you, cutie. What's your name?"

The little girl pops up on the seat across from me with a smile. "I'm Cleo! What about you?" Her soft child-like voice puts ease into my mind.

"My names Lena." I watch as her mouth drops, and I laugh at the sight. "What?"

"No fair! You get a pretty name and pretty looks?! I'm jealous." I'm not sure if she's kidding or not, but either way, my smile begins to hurt my cheeks.

"I don't think you should be jealous. You're quite a beauty yourself, Cleo." I wink at her, and she claps her hands, showing me her missing front teeth again.

"Thanks, Lena! I want to be as cool as you when I'm your age." I sigh and shake my head. No, she doesn't.

"How old are you, Cleo?" She lifts both her hands and sticks her fingers up to show six fingers.

"Wow, you're old." I raise my eyebrows and listen to the sound of her giggle. It brings me peace, and I know that may seem weird, but it does. She's so young, so clueless to the wicked and challenging life she has ahead of her. I wish I could go back.

"Promise not to tell on me if I tell you something?" I nod and make a motion of me zipping my lips and throwing away the key like my Dad used to do when we'd share secrets. "I'm not supposed to be out here. My brother and Papa are buttheads and haven't realized I'm gone." Brother and Papa?

"Oh boy, you're only six, and you're already a troublemaker?" I joke and move on to my next question. "Why can't you be out here? Let's get you back." I stand up and take her hand. She takes it and leaps up with a small frown, but her eyes are still shining.

I watch her long french braids collide as she swings her head while we walk. Lenny is watching us with a goofy smile on his face before turning serious.

"My gosh, Cleo! Not again. You're going to have to start going to school all day if you're gonna keep running off!" I see the humor running through his expression and smile at the horror on Cleo's. "She wasn't a bother was she?"

I shake my head and smile. "Not at all." I pick her up and hand her over to Lenny. She waves me goodbye and gives me a lopsided smile. "She said that her Papa and Brother told her not to come out here?"

"That's Cleo for you, always trying to trick her old Pop." Cleo giggles into his neck. Wait.. if Lenny is her "Papa" then...

"Hey, Pop whats wr—" Carson's shocked expression at Cleo's guilt-ridden face explains it all. I didn't know Carson had a little sister. Then again, I didn't give him a chance. "Damn, Cleo!"

"Language," Lenny says sternly. "She didn't do anything; she's just talking with Lena."

Carson turns to me and shrugs. "Sorry, she cannot listen." He gives me a shy smile and picks up Cleo before apologizing again and turning away.

That was weird. His shy smile made me question the situation. It's like he didn't want me to know that he has a sister. Maybe I'm just overreacting like I always do.

I shove the thoughts of Carson and Cleo to the back of my mind and begin to type down unnecessary words.

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