"Don't get cocky." Ben said with a smirk. He went and picked up the drone.

"Shots are going to come at you rapidly in battle. You need to be able to quickly deflect them. Or else...." he trailed off.

"Or I'll get hit?" Rey finished for him. Ben ran a hand through his hair, a glimpse of frustration on his face as he quickly recalled the dream of her being injured.

"We'll just make sure that doesn't happen." He told her. "Want to try some real combat?"

Rey nodded and got into position.

"I don't need another scar this time." He reminded her.

"I'll keep that in mind." She said.

They battled around the room, the hum of their sabers loud as they clashed and sparked. Ben lunged at Rey and she jumped back, his saber coming close to burning her.

They were in perfect sync as they continued their training. Every move he made she met with a counter strike. It was powerful and Rey felt stronger than ever. She dove towards Ben and he blocked her attack, their sabers inches from their faces as they stared at each other through the bright lights. Ben's eyes were filled with intensity. She stared back, trying to read his emotions. He drew back his saber and turned it off.

"Well done." He told her. Rey turned her saber off as well. He walked up to her and gave her a soft kiss on her forehead.

"I'm proud of you." He whispered to her. Rey gave him a small smile. She hugged him lightly around the waist as they stood there in the training room.

"Will you stay the night again?" He asked, running a hand through her hair. She nodded.

Back at Ben's room, they laid in each others arms. Ben was running a hand through Rey's hair as she lay her head on his chest.

"Your friends are slipping up." He told her.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Someone was trying to trade a Naboo Royal Starship to one of your fleet."

"How do you know it was for the Resistance?"

Ben snorted.

"It's a Naboo ship. They're on Naboo. Makes sense they'd want to have one."

"So what does this mean?" Rey asked.

"It means your time with your friends is coming to an end."

Rey clung tighter to Ben as he spoke the words. He continued to stroke her hair until she fell asleep, arms tight around his waist.

Early in the morning, Ben's alarm went off. He got out of bed and started to get ready for the day.

"Has anyone told you, you get up absurdly early?" Rey moaned sleepily to him.

"No. Then again, I never used to have an audience." He said to her.

"Come back to bed." She said, turning over in the bed, letting her hair fall across his pillow.

"I'm a very busy man." He said as he perused his closet.

"Is everything you have black?" She continued to pester.

"Would you rather I wear brown?" He shot back.

"I don't always wear brown." Rey defended. "Why does everybody say that?"

"Oh, excuse me. Brown or gray?" He replied sarcastically. She playfully threw a pillow at him. He picked out a jacket, sliding it off the hanger.

"We need to expedite your training." Ben told her as he shrugged on his jacket.

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