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*artwork used does not belong to me*

Still sitting in her meditation spot, Rey fell backwards, snapping back as the connection broke. The motion hurt her head. The world felt like it was spinning.

She closed her eyes and controlled her breathing until she felt the motion ease away. She went to stand up, her side painful from where Ben had hit her. She sighed in frustration. Maybe this was a bad idea after all. While Luke hadn't taught her much, he at least wasn't, well.... Kylo Ren.

She grabbed her staff and bag off the ground and trudged up the hill to the Falcon for the night.


Ben angrily went to bed. Not only did the Force connection keep breaking while they were being physical, he had spilled to her how he had been intentionally keeping the troops off her scent.

Sure, training exercises were essential in preparing to take down the Resistance, but he needed time. Time to figure out how to get Rey on his side, to fight with him, without Hux trying to kill her in the process. It was proving to be difficult. His feelings for her overpowered his initial task at hand. She was turning him to the light more and more each day and he was unable to control it. The dark still flowed through him. He could certainly still feel it, though it was quieter than the loud rage it had been before.

He dreamt of his vision. It was still a bit blurry and vague. He couldn't tell where they were. Their sabers were both ignited. Ben lunged and Rey dove, whipping her saber at a shadowy mass of black. Blasters echoed around them as the Resistance continued to shoot.

Then he saw it clear as day- Rey was hit. She screamed out in pain and sunk to the ground.

"REY!!!!!" He shouted. He gripped his saber tightly and hacked at the shadows. He glanced back and she was losing consciousness. A shot went past, narrowly missing him. He looked back again, her linen turning red with blood.


He woke up drenched in sweat. In a panic, he felt his bed in the dark. It was empty. He wished she was there. He needed to make sure she was okay. He calmed his breathing and sought out her light within the Force. It was still there. She was fine. It was only a dream.

He was unable to sleep after that. He took a shower. Got dressed. Paced a bit. Ordered coffee. Wrote another note for Rey. He eventually headed down to the training quarters.

Hux was there to greet him with Herrera. The bandage on his nose was smaller and the puff around his eye had gone down.

"Supreme Leader." He said to him with a curt nod and a death stare.

"Get the medical droids again." Ben said, taking off his gloves and throwing them at Hux. "I'm having a bad day. Don't make me it take it out on you instead of them."

"It's 8 in the morning." Hux sneered.

"I've been up since 5." Ben said, igniting his saber. Hux snapped his fingers at the commander troopers.

"As you command, Supreme Leader." Herrera said.


Ben winced as he walked stiffly back to his suite following the training.

"Dismissed." He angrily told the trooper standing guard at this room. He entered and headed straight for the bathroom.

He flinched as he took off his jacket and shirt, tossing them to the side. He examined the spot of burned flesh on his side, wet with blood.

He fumbled in a drawer for a clear bottle of liquid. Grabbing a towel from the counter, he emptied the contents of the bottle onto it and held the towel to his side. He grit his teeth as it soaked into his wound.

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