"I'm not done talking to you!" he shouts.

I whip around, finally snapping, "Well I am! Stop acting like my dad! I'd rather hear him scold me than you,"

"Fine. Don't talk to me then. You shouldn't have left," he growls before stomping away.

"Fine! Don't expect to hear from me," I yell and walk away as well.

That's fine by me.

I arrived at the hospital in under ten minutes.

I jog up to the front desk, my shoes squeaking.

"Hello. How may I help you?" the lady at the computer smiles at me.

"My ma is giving birth right now," I explain and she types on her computer.

"What's her name?"

"Denisse Matthews. Denisse with two S's." I answer and tap my fingers.

I wanted to be there for her. And now I'm missing the most important moment of my life. All because of stupid high school drama.

"Alright. She's on floor two, room 3A." she explains and I jog away, muttering a 'thank you'. I run into the elevator, panting.

Once I got onto floor two, I began searching for room 3A.

"Ma?" I bolt into 3A to find nurses and a doctor crowded around my mom.

"Frost," dad grabs my hand and squeezes it, for once he's being genuine. Mom's screams die down and are replaced with a baby's cry.

Great. I missed it. I missed everything.

"It's a girl!" a young nurse exclaims. I push my way through the nurses, and see my mom covered in sweat. She pants heavily.

"Hey ma," I weakly smile at her and grab her hand. She smiles back and lies her head down. Her hand immediately warms up my cold one.

I watch as a nurse puts my baby sister in my mom's arms. "Hey, little me," I whisper with teary eyes.

"Oh honey," mom breathlessly says.

"What are you going to name her?" Nailia asks, surprisingly not on her phone.

"August. August Lynn Matthews."

"Hey, I thought you were going to name her D-"

"I changed my mind," mom cuts me off with a weak laugh. I nod, understanding.

"Welcome to our weird family, August," I say over the infants crying.

"She looks just like you ma," I say, "Except for the nose, of course."

Dad left with Nailia to go get snacks. Mom asked me why I was soaking wet, and I said I walked here. I dried off with a towel a nurse gave me, and I hung my jacket up to dry. They took the baby to clean her up or whatever. I don't know how hospitals work.

"Where's Nova and them?" mom asks as dad and Nailia walk in. I shrug my shoulders as Nailia hands me a bag of Doritos.

"Whew, I think between you and August, you were harder to push out." mom laughs and I give her a small smile.

"You know what they say, apples and oranges."

"That is not what it means..."


"She spied on our lives, through the little doll's eyes, and saw that we weren't happy,"

My eyes droop tiredly as I watch Coraline. Mom, and dad snore loudly and Nailia's face is lit up by her phone. She smiles at something, before chuckling.

I pull out my phone, and frown at the ten missed calls from Nova, from earlier. I check the time and see it's only eleven p.m.

God, I'm tired. I can barely keep my eyes open. But... now I'm hungry.

Like always.

"I'm going to go get a snack, want anything?" I whisper to Nailia. She shakes her head no. I force myself up out of the comfortable position and stretch.

I hate that one moment when you're in the most comfortable position, and then you have to get up.

I walk out of the room without waking my parents up. I get down to the first floor, and to my surprise, I see Cole standing with Kai and Iris.

I wave at them, "Hi guys. What are you doing here?"

I can't say that I'm not surprised Nova isn't here.

"We just came by to see how you were doing," Cole explains and pulls me into a side hug.

"Where's Manon?" I ask as I pat his back.

"Talking to Nova. Well, more like yelling at him," he explains and I go to hug my babies.

It feels like I haven't seen them in forever.

"Hello, my little midgets! I missed you guys," I say to them as I squeeze the life out of them. They both giggle and make my heart melt.

"Anyways, how's your mom holding up?" Cole asks while following me to the vending machine.

"She's doing fine," I say, putting in two dollars to get a bag of Skittles. "She's passed out though,"

I watch the Skittles fall down, and I grab them. I rip open the package and start eating them.

I'm a sucker for junk food.

"I know," Cole shifts on his feet and looks down. I raise a brow and tilt my head to the side.

"You know what?" I ask and frown.

"You... like Nova."

"I'm pretty sure everyone knows," I reply sarcastically. He smiles, but it doesn't reach his eyes.

"I've known Nova for my whole life. He's my brother. And when you disappeared... I haven't seen him that scared in years." he states and follows me to the lounge.

I sigh, "I have my reasons for leaving and at this point, I don't care how scared he was." I plop down on a chair and pick up a Rubix cube. I have always hated these things. Like, they're so hard to solve. And they actually make the cogs in my brain turn.

"Yeah but you scared the shit out of all us," he says while sitting down. Kai and Iris sit down as well.

"I can't help if my face is scary," I joke, trying to lighten the mood. Cole chuckles, shaking his head.

"When he stops throwing a tushy tantrum, I'll talk to him." I state, "And until then, I'll be spending time with my ma, and opening gifts."

"Tushy tantrum?"

"Yes. A tushy tantrum."


Hey y'all.

Sorry if this chapter is sucky/choppy/short, i have the flu but i still typed for y'all

I just fangirled over Tom Holland saying "oh my god, it's robertdowneyjr"

Yes. I am a female.

Well technically I am an Ironman bc Fe= Iron...

Don't question my knowledge.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Don't forget to vote and comment!


Lots of pizza🍕❤


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