“Nah Mitch, you know I wouldn’t do that to your sister. She already complains enough. Besides, you know Ellie; she can’t seem to keep her nose out of a book. I almost had to throw her over my shoulder, kicking and screaming, to get her away from her book and into the car.” Damon said with a chuckle. Mitchell’s expression turned into a grin before he joined in laughing with Damon. Everyone else did as well when the tension receded. Great, why am I always the laughing stock? I threw a glare in Damon’s direction only to see him purposely looking anywhere but in my direction.

I walked over to the girls once the boys decided to talk about whatever it is that boys talk about. I noticed that the girls were all trying to hide grins and I had to admit that I guess what Damon said is funny because in a way it is true. I probably would kick and scream if he tried to take me away from my books.

“Okay, it’s not funny anymore so you can all stop laughing.” I said in a huff.

“You know it would be even funnier if that had actually taken place this morning.” Anna said, the other girls nodding in agreement with her.

“How do you know that that didn’t happen?” I asked them with an innocent look on my face.

“Please, we know you Ellie. Something went down last night and or this morning. You have this glint in your eyes, a spark that’s not normally there.” Ally said causing me to blush.

“Busted!” Zoey called out before running around me in a circle calling out ‘busted’ only resulting in people looking over at us and giving us weird looks.

“Okay Zoey,” I said grabbing her arm, watching her stumble around as dizziness reflected through her eyes. “That’s enough.” I said, laughing lightly.

“Whoa.” Zoey said grabbing hold of her head. Chelsea turned her attention from Zoey and onto me.

“What happened? I can’t believe that you let him be in the same room as you after what he did yesterday.” She said, anger tinting her voice.

“I couldn’t help it, he said ‘sorry’.” I said. He also broke my heart with him being so scared during the thunderstorm, not that they need to know that. How else was I supposed to act? I couldn’t quit tell the girls of that part of the evening. But telling them he said ‘sorry’ was enough to get a reaction out of them. They all knew that ‘sorry’ wasn’t really a part of Damon’s vocabulary.

“He did not.” Anna said a shocked look on her face.

“He did.” I said as the bell rang.

“This is not over.” Ally said. “We want details so be prepared to tell us at recess. It’ll be just us girls.” She continued.

“But what about Mitchell?” Chelsea asked with a frown on her face.

“What do you mean?” I asked her. The girls were all giving her a weird look.

“I won’t be able to sit with him.” She said in a forlorn voice causing us all to crack up laughing.

“I think you will be able to survive one recess without him.” I said in between laughing causing her to huff and walk away, coincidently in the direction of Mitchell.

The two periods passed by quickly meaning that it was now recess. I was hardly able to concentrate with what the teachers were saying. My mind could only focus on the events that had occurred only hours before, the good and the bad. Even though a small part of my brain was telling me that I was getting myself into things that were way over my head. The other part of my brain, the part that held dominance was telling me to continue whatever was going on between Damon and I, damn the consequences. When the bell rang to signal the end of second period, I had to pull myself together for whatever it was that the girls were going to question me about.

It's Always the Brother's Best Friend (On hold for serious editing)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora