Chapter 15

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“It’s because you like him and I mean really like him. You understand your feelings for him now.” She said taking my hand. “And what do you mean that he is trying to win some girl over? That does not sound like the Damon that I know.” Chelsea said in confusion.

“It confused me as well at the time, but I guess I’ve come to accept it on some level. He wants to have what you and Mitchell have for some reason that baffles me as it is completely opposite of what you would expect him to want, and yet he is still playing around with different girls, myself included. It just makes me wonder how serious he was about that or if he only said it to get Mitchell and I off his back.” I said lost. So much for turning over a new leaf in terms of Damon. I guess I can’t let go of my infatuation of him as easily as I thought.

“You may be right because I can’t see him settling down with anyone at the moment unless the girl he was just with was the one he is trying to win over. I really think it was just to throw you and Mitchell off.” She said quietly as we approached the girls again wiping her angry expression clean from her face so that Mitchell wouldn’t suspect anything. The girls all had a look on their face that said I would be telling them exactly what happened on the weekend and exactly what Chelsea and I talked about in the bathroom. That was not a conversation that I was looking forward to having. Hopefully the bell will go soon and put me out of my misery.

Chapter 15

I was glad when the bell finally rang to announce the beginning of school. I needed something that would take my attention away from Damon and school work was sounding very appealing right at this moment. It showed just how badly I was affected by what Damon was doing to be excited over doing school work. Damon was definitely messing with my head and I really needed to put into action getting some bleach to remove the whole weekend from my head, that and my feelings for him, though sadly I doubt the bleach would work on removing my feelings.

The girls all quickly said goodbye, Chelsea having a difficult time saying goodbye to Mitchell, it was almost like it was physically impossible for the two of them to separate. How they were going to cope not seeing each other every day next year was beyond me. Everyone bar Zoey split up to go to homeroom. I was thankful for Zoey being in my homeroom; it meant that I wouldn’t be by myself to wallow in my thoughts of Damon.

Once there, I expected Zoey to start questioning me about what was going on. She didn’t. I didn’t know whether to be relieved or not by her not asking. How was I going to keep my mind off thoughts of Damon now? I asked myself sadly. I was answered with Zoey going on about another dream that she had, one where ducks were absent. Instead there was a chocolate cake that continuously tempted her to eat it until it somehow landed on her face and in her mouth, meaning that she had to eat the whole cake. Zoey denied all acts of moving the cake herself to her face, indicating that fate deemed it necessary that she eat the cake. I ended up in stitches, laughing at the very innocence in which she made out that it wasn’t her fault at all, which was exactly what I needed.

I was successfully able to keep my thoughts off of Damon for the whole of homeroom. A whole fifteen minutes which I felt was a great start or really sad depending on what way you looked at it. At the bell signalling the end of homeroom, Zoey jumped up out of her seat and started jumping up and down making me wonder if she had ants in her pants. Well she does have a smile on her face, so whatever it is, she’s excited for it.

“Zoey? Zoey! Settle down. What has you so worked up?” I asked her, placing my hands on her shoulders to try and get her to calm down, barely succeeding.

“Ellie its double drama now!” She exclaimed unable to contain her excitement. A smile slowly made its way across my face until she uttered her next sentence, causing it to disappear in an instant. “And you have questions that you need to answer.” She said pegging me with a glare before pulling me away towards the drama room. Great! And my minds back on Damon again. I thought to myself.

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