Hearts' Caretakers

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Name: Cupid's Servants

Species: Unknown genus of birds

Glossy Red, Blue, and Yellow feathers.
• Size approximately that of an average person's fist
• Observed to be docile and passive

Origins: Unknown

• A very rare species of birds that are only seen within Ashfeld, although scholarly sources claim that these did not originate in Ashfeld and to this day, no one truly knows.

• It has been believed that they only appear to two individuals of opposite gender who can potentially be lovers. The birds stay with a person in an indefinite amount of time. This means that the birds never leave their hosts regardless of circumstances.

• They only leave their hosts if they meet another person who also has a Cupid's servant bird with them. If the birds fly away together, then the two persons who met with each other are set to become lovers.

• To this day, no one has been able to prove this although there were positive claims from different couples but were not documented as they lack evidence that proves so.

First Appeared: Chapter 8 (Part II): And Stay Out!, Volume I

• This species of bird is entirely fictional and does not refer to any myths found in real life, although they did take inspirations.

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