The Final Ritual

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As three wagons approached the city of Frost, in the center of the pentagram that is The 5 Kingdoms, a storm brews over Frost, striking black lightning, and bringing massive balls of hail down.

   Aphmau shields her face as the Carriage carrying her and her items draws closer to Frost, and the air grew colder and thinner. Breathing heavily, she watched as the carriage carrying her reached the gates of the city. Waiting, she soon saw three more carriages approaching. When they stopped, Katelyn climbed out of one, claws equipped, and Dante and Laurence, swords drawn, emerged from the other carriage. The wagons pulled away and drove off at te command of their riders.

"Well.... here we are." Aphmau spoke in a slow voice, barely heard over the storm.

"Yes, except for one problem. Where's Y/n?" Katelyn asked, concerned. Aphmau looked around, noticing the absence of their shifter friend.

"Oh crap...." Laurence pointed up at the sky, where black lightning was striking the building. Up in the sky, illuminated by the lightning, was the distinct shape of a multi-headed dragon.

"What the?" Dante looked up. Aphmau saw this and pondered words she had heard from Y/n not a few days ago.

Humans, meif~was, werewolves, ect worship Irene. Dragon Shifters worship Bahamut, the god of good dragons and Tiamat, the goddess and mother of evil dragons.

By the looks of it, the guild is probably going to do something bad, unholy, and having to do with demons.

"My Irene." Aphmau spoke in awe.

"What?" Katelyn asked.

"The Dragon Shifters. They're summoning Tiamat!" Aphmau shouted over the steadily increasing wind.

"Tiamat? Isn't that the goddess of evil dragons!?" Laurence spoke, breathing heavier and louder.

"Yes! We have to stop them NOW!" Aphmau drew her sword and ran over to the gate, which just opened due to the wind. Everyone rushed in to find the streets of Frost empty and on fire.

"My Irene, let's go!" Katelyn shouted, running ahead, followed by the others. They met no resistance on the way, and soon found the center of the town, marked by a massive clock tower. As the group watched, black lightning constantly struck it, taking down pieces of it. It was missing the roof and was wearing down the clock.

"5 gold coins say things are going on under that tower." Laurence spoke, deadly serious.

"Not taking that bet." Dante replied as Katelyn rushed in. Aphmau followed, confident that the two behind her were following.

You groaned and regained consciousness, to notice the massive pentagram drawn on the ground in front of you. Looking around, you were tied up, gagged, and in some kind of massive cavern, which the pentagram stood in the center of. Massive booms shook the cavern every once in a while. Dragon Shifters almost lined the walls, watching you. As you looked ahead, Black walked up to you through the Pentagram, his cloak flowing behind him and his boots clicking against the floor.

"Well, look who decided to wake up." He spoke, hands behind his back. You stared at him in silent rage.

"What? Expect me to explain what I'm doing like a fairytale? Nope. You'll have to figure it out yourself. For now, I'll enjoy watching you die." Lucious turned and walked off the Pentagram as you heard chanting. Looking around, priests surrounded the Pentagram, chanting in low voices. As you listened, the booming got louder and more common. After countless minutes of sitting there, you heard footsteps. Looking up, Katelyn barreled down the stairs and got clotheslined by a soldier, who quickly gagged and bound her. However, she was quickly followed by Aphmau, Laurence, then Dante. All of them were quickly stopped and bound in similar manners. Lucious stood, watching them as the priests chanting grew louder, and the pentagram glowed green. As you watched, the floor the pentagram was drawn on started to crack and fall apart, leaving a circular pit of..... something. The liquid was bubbling, shifting colors from green to white to red. Lucious walked around it, keeping careful not to fall in on his way over to you.

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