The BlackScale Guild

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Fire. There was fire everywhere. Large shapes dotted the sky. Everything was a haze. You were moving. Being held. Then a large shape dropped in front of you. Whoever was holding you dropped you as they fell down. There was screaming, then silence. Then the sensation of being lifted up...

You sat up in bed, wondering what was going on, until you realized what day it was. You jumped out of bed and got your day clothes on. Once that was done, you left your room and jogged to the food storages to get some breakfast. They were passing out Mud. Mud was just another name for porridge here, because it looked like mud. You grabbed a bowl and sat down. Alone, you started to eat. Soon, you had finished and got some seconds. Finished with that, you went straight to the shooting range. Stopping there, you realized that you forgot your bow in your room. Running to get that, you returned. You grabbed a quiver of arrows. Strapping it to your waist, you walked to the firing line. You calmed yourself, grabbed an arrow, nocking it to the bowstring, drew back, and let go. You then watched as the first bullseye of the day was made. Rapidly, you walked across the shooting range, hitting the dummy's wherever would kill or injure them. When you finished your sweep, you heard clapping. When you turned, you found none other then Captain Black. All captains were referred to as black, but their real names were different.

"Captain Black." You said respectfully as you took a knee.

"At ease." She responded, "are you ready for your first raid?"

"Yes Ma'am." You responded.

"Wonderful, I hope you like the surprise." She then turned and left. Confused, you walked to your room. Donning your armor of dragon scale, you turned to you door to find two things.

 Donning your armor of dragon scale, you turned to you door to find two things

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And a quiver you never saw before. It had three separate arrow containers, all filled. You an arrow out of the first one. You instantly recognized the arrows purpose. Putting it back, you pulled another one out and looked at the tip. Definitely poisoned. The you grabbed another to find it normal. You chuckled, putting on the rest of your armor before grabbing the bow. You put the quiver over your back and shouldered the bow. You then made your way to the armory. Once there, you grabbed two daggers, hiding them in your boots, and grabbing a sheathed sword. Putting that on your hip, you left and went to the entrance, where the rest of the strike force waited. Seeing that You were there, Captain Black led the march. She opened the secret tunnel entrance, and you were on your way. After a couple hours of marching, Black stopped the force.

"Alright, you see that town over there?" She asked in a commanding voice. You looked over the hill you were standing near and nodded.

"That's our target." Take position for first shot!" The attack force jogged to their appropriate stations and waited. Captain black then took an arrow out of her bag. The blackscale arrow. Someone always used it for first shot. To warn our enemies of who was attacking, and to tell people who came back who had struck. With a black scale instead of a feather, it was truly unique and an honor to fire it to mark the beginning of a raid. To your surprise, commander black walked straight to you and gave you the arrow.

"Your first raid. Make it special, and may Bahamut bless you." She said when I took the arrow. I didn't hesitate. You pulled the bowstring, aimed at the head of one of the heads of the guards on duty, and made the black scale arrow sprout from his eye. The guards had no time to react as ten dragons took to the sky, archers raining arrows on them. People ran around in panic as soldiers dropped down and cut them apart. You shot an arrow at a few more guards before shouldering your bow and jumping from the dragon you were on. As you fell, scales turned over in your body in a similar way of transforming mystique from X-Men used. As the scales moved to where the tale and wings would be, that continued on an invisible path, revealing wings, a tail, a snout, and more as you grew to the size of the dragon you now were.

 As the scales moved to where the tale and wings would be, that continued on an invisible path, revealing wings, a tail, a snout, and more as you grew to the size of the dragon you now were

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Landing, you hissed at some guards who had run at you. Like a serpent, you quickly made your way to them. They attacked your legs, trying to imbalance you. Acting quickly, you jumped over them and blew frost at them, freezing them. You ten moved to what looked like a food storage you went back to human as you walked in, and filled your bag. Jumping out, you turned back to a dragon and flew around, circling the town when you heard a scream. Landing, you shoved your way into a house. Inside, you found someone standing over a dead body. You watched as their head then disappeared into a red dragons gullet. As the dragon went to a different house, looked at the body. Gasping, you ran, leaving the child's body behind. You exited to find everyone surrounding a child. One of the dragons turned to you and jerked his head to the child. Getting the message, and unable to disobey, you flew to the girls side. You circled her as she screamed. You looked her in the eye with regret, before blowing your frost at her, ending her life. Then a black dragon came and crushed the ice statue. Everyone turned into their human form.

"Awesome job, y/n." One of the soldiers said, laughing. Then captain black told everyone to leave and go home. As she led everyone home, you stayed behind and inspected the carnage. Bodies everywhere, no survivors. You searched the food storage you found earlier, and found as full as when you left it. As you looked, tears filled your eyes. Killers. That's all the guild was. You ran from the village, from your guild, from your home, from the darkness. After who knows how long of running. You stopped. You would have to rest. Searching for a suitable place to sleep, you found a ledge with some land sticking out. You jumped there, before you transformed again. This time into a dragon known as the dragon of stone. When you curled up to sleep, anyone watching would say a big rock appeared out of nowhere.

Thank you for reading this first chapter of my second story.this was a result of voting, and I was bugged to make it, so here you are! So baii!


1114 Words

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