They're coming...

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You slowly regained consciousness. You didn't see or hear anything at first. You could only feel. You felt warm wool against your bare chest. You felt bandages on your stomach, covering a fatal wound. You felt the bed you were on bend as an unknown presence sat down. You felt cold air go circulate the room, before disappearing. Then you gradually regained hearing.
"...he'll make it?" Came a woman's voice.
"Can't be sure. That wound would kill almost anybody. But I am a healer, and can learn through experience." Another female voice came. After that was a males voice.
"Well, he was let in my village, what happened?" Then another female voice came in.
"Attacked by someone in dragon-scale armor while taking Kawaii~chans kid and Rollo and his brother out. Luckily, Aphmau sent me to follow him or he would be dead."
"Yeah, good thing I did send her." Came the first voice again. Then you regained sight. You cracked your eyes slowly open, taking in then sight. You were bare-cheated, bandages on your wound. Sitting on your bed was Aphmau, with Katelyn standing across the room and a blonde-haired man standing with his arms crossed. The second voice seemed to belong to an elvish woman with white hair. You slowly opened your eyes all the way, staying silent. Then the man caught your eye.
"He's awake." He said, with a nod in your direction. Seeing as everyone knew you were awake, you voiced the first thought to come into your head.
"They're coming." The man tilted his head.
"My brethren. They're planning an attack... on Phoenix-" then an overwhelming pain took on your body as spasms wracked through your body. The elvish woman rushed forward, forcing a red potion into your mouth. The spasms stopped as suddenly as they started started.
"What was that...?" Aphmau asked. Unfortunately, you had experience with detecting certain kinds of poison.
"I think it's-" you started before spasms started again, with even worse pain. This time, the elvish woman ran to a cabinet, pulled out a leaf, and shoved it into your mouth. As you chewed, you felt energy flow into your body and the pain stopped instantly.
"Whatever it is, it's no match for my healing skills." She said. She motioned at you.
"So, what did you think it was?"
"Strychnine poisoning." You said quickly.
"Whatever that is, it's no match for our greatest healer. You're lucky we have Zoe, y/n" Aphmau stated, getting up.
"Yeah, and I'm lucky you sent someone after me." Aphmau gave you a weird look.
"Yeah. This is Katelyn, by the way." She said, gesturing to the blue haired woman from our first encounter. Then the blonde haired boy started speaking again.
"It's wonderful that you're all better,   y/n, my names Levin, but you said your 'brethren' were coming to attack us?" Katelyn was the first to get your message. She paled.
"Dragon shifters." Levin looked at you with a look you didn't recognize.
"How do you know this?" You took a deep breath.
"The dragon shifter that attacked me, Robin, he said that the guild was planning an attack on Phoenix Drop." Levin looked at me suspiciously.
"And how do we stop them?" You thought for a moment.
"I was taught this. Best way to down a dragon is by getting its wings. Without wings, a dragon is a downed dragon. A downed dragon is a dead dragon."
"So what's the best way to get the wings of a dragon shifter?" You thought some more.
"Probably some kind of strong acid." Levin raised his eyebrows.
"And what acid do you have in mind?" Just then, an idea landed in your head.
"There is an acid I know of, probably because it caused devastation in the black scale guild after an accident."
"What is it?"
"... I believe it's called something like  hydrofluoric acid." Katelyn bent back her head.
"How do we get this?"
"Well... this stuff is very dangerous and only containable with a glass bottle with a certain wax coating. The acid itself needs sulfuric acid, and a mineral called... fluorite." Aphmau went to the door.
"Well, we'll let you get into more clothing than your pants, and we'll see if we can find the ingredients to this stuff. By the way, after you're done getting ready, you're gonna want to see Nekoette~tan and Rollo and Lello. They're worried sick." Then levin and Aphmau left. Katelyn tossed a bag at you.
"The stuff from the shifter you killed. Courtesy of yours truly." Then she made her exit. Rushing, you got your armor and clothes on. Then you looked into the bag. There was a sword, recognized as Robins. Also in there was a bottle labeled 'strychnine.' That explains the poison. Digging deeper, you found a white chunk of metal. Surprised at your find, you measured your find against your fist. Slightly bigger. You shrugged and put it in your bag. Everything else was basic. Armor, some arrows, and a few potions. Taking them all, you walked outside.


You nearly fell over as the combined force of three children tackled you in a hug.
"Y/n~kun! Nekoette~tan thought you were going to die!" Nekoette~tan said as she held back sobs. Rollo and Lello had almost the same reaction.
"Relax! I'm here! I'm alive!" You managed to spit out before the children let go of you.
"Aphmau~Senpai said y/n~kin has to meet her at the gate. Y/n~kin better go." Nekoette~tan said.
"Good idea." You said before running in the direction of the gate.

After you met Aphmau, Katelyn, and Levin at the gate, Aphmau explained that Zoey was getting the bottles and that assistance would be required to get the ingredients to the acid. Aphmau and Levin went to find the sulfuric acid, and you and Katelyn had to get the fluorite.

"Why are we in a cave?" Katelyn asked as you brought her down the tunnels, torch in hand.
"Fluorite is a mineral, found almost anywhere in the land. If we're going to get some, a cave is our best bet." Katelyn groaned before you found a wall covered in a purple gem.
"That's fluorite." You said before bringing your pickax up.
"It's purple?"
"Actually, its colorless, but gains color with certain impurities."
"Oh." You brought your pickax down, shattering a section of the fluorite wall. You picked up the crystals that dropped and put them in your bag.
"Come on. We want as much of this stuff as we can get."

~~**Time Skip**~~

You and Katelyn emerged from the cave to find Zoey talking with Aphmau and Levin. She turned to see us.
"Hey! Ready to make some acid?"
"Yeah, you?"
"let's do it." She handed you a bottle. Looking in it, you saw the wax coating on the inside. You hoped it was strong enough. You went into your bag and grabbed a crystal. Putting it in the bottle, you motioned to Aphmau. She handed you a bottle of a liquid. Not looking to see if it was acid, you carefully poured it into the bottle. Upon contact, the crystal hissed and steamed before dissolving. You swished the liquid around the bottle. Nothing bad happened, so you walked to a nearby rock and poured some liquid on it. The rock hissed and started to dissolve. You corked the bottle and stepped back a few steps. Now aiming at a ruined house, you threw the bottle. It shattered on impact with the ground. Then the entire area that came in contact with the liquid started hissing and steaming before melting. You turned to the group.
"This is what we've been looking for." You said before turning to the town and leaving.

~~**Time Skip**~~

You stood in the town center, watching the children play. Levin had made sure everyone knew about the threat and was on guard. No children went without supervision, and guard duty was doubled. You watched the kids play tag before you felt a tap on your shoulder.
"Cmon, Levin said we're doing guard duty now. The brush at the gate now looks suspicious and we need to be there." Katelyn said. You stood up and walked with Katelyn to your desired spot. Then you got ready. Ready for war.

Thanks for reading guys! Sorry if it took a long time to come out, but I had other things to do, and the chapter is getting long, so have a nice day! Baii!


~1429 Words

Son of a Drake (Katelyn x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now