The Journey

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So before I start this chapter, I would like to thank all of you for all of your suggestions (2), and to wish you a wonderful day!

~~**Y/n's POV**~~

You, Katelyn, Aphmau, Laurence, and Dante, who agreed to come, stood outside the hole in the cliff face that used to be the BlackScale guild. You stepped inside, followed by your companions.
"Wow..." Aphmau said, kneeling at one of the tables, examining it. You turned away from her and toward the headquarters of Captain Black.
"Remember, we're looking for clues as to where the Guild could be heading." You stated clearly,
"I'm headed to the captains headquarters, look around and tell me what you find." With that said, you walked over to the room and closed the door behind you. Turning to the contents, you saw, to your surprise, a clean room. You raised your eyebrows and looked at the desk beside the bed. There were papers on it, which you checked. Nothing except files on some guild members, including yourself. You scanned over them, and put them in your bag. Looking some more, you found a map of the area, with labels on nearby cities, and other important things. You took that as well as someone knocked on the door. Opening it revealed Dante.
"Hey, I found a map that might help, in a room labeled 'The War Room.' You think it's good?"
"Yeah. Meet me there." As Dante left in the direction of the room, you went at a full sprint. Reaching it, you found the map, engraved on a huge table. Looking at it, you noticed various knives stuck into different places. But no city names were described.
"Hey guys, think I found something." You looked up as Laurence entered the room holding what looked like another map.
"You did?"
"Yeah, what did you find?"
"Looks like a war table." You told him as he spread his map over the table. You looked around the room and found a quill and inkwell. Taking them to the table, you marked the spots of cities stabbed.
"Altaria, Symphony, Vale, Carim Bay, and... Calamity. What kind of city names are those?" You asked.
"Dunno, anything familiar?" Laurence responded.
"No... but maybe..." you murmured to yourself. You grabbed the inkwell and Quill and put the tip on the northernmost city on the map, Symphony.
"There have been whispers of some secret group in the guild, like a cult." You said to Laurence as you dragged the quill to a more southern city, Calamity.
"Dunno much about it, but I hope what I think is wrong." You said as you dragged the quill to the eastern city of Carim Bay, then west to Vale, before bringing it south to Altaria, then north back to Symphony. You connected the lines with a circle and showed it to Laurence.
"Look familiar?" Laurence was confused for a moment until it became clear to him what the drawing was.

"Look familiar?" Laurence was confused for a moment until it became clear to him what the drawing was

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He turned to you, and back to the map.
"That's a-"
"Devils trap." Aphmau said, causing both of you to jump.
"When did you get in here?" Laurence asked.
"Long enough to know what you're talking about, same with Katelyn." She pointed over her shoulder, where Katelyn indeed stood. You stared at them for a moment before turning back to the table.
"So, by the looks of it, the guild is probably going to do something bad, unholy, and having to do with demons." You finished. Laurence groaned.
"I just wanted something easy."
"Deal with it." You said as you took Laurence's map and drew the trap on it, and circling your location.
"So, we are probably going to have to go to one of the cities shown, and find a clue to what we're doing." You said as you rolled up the map and put it in your bag.
"Let's go." Katelyn said before something caught your attention.
"Do you hear that?"
"Hear wha-" Laurence started before everyone walked back to the main room of the guild. Then your reflexes kicked in, and you pushed Aphmau and Laurence one way, and Katelyn another, following her.
"What was that for!? Aphmau yelled before the entrance to the guild littered glowed. You watched as a huge wall of flame engulfed the entrance and everything in front of it. As it slowly died down, you looked outside again, only to confirm your fear.
"Red Dragon!" You yelled as another wall of flame burst up, blocking you and Katelyn from Aphmau and Laurence.

OMIGOSH! That took way too long to get out! So I have nothing special to say, except thank you, and I appreciate your suggestions for the story. So Baii!!


~785 Words

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