The 5 Kingdoms

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   You continued sneaking around the castle after your audience with the king. You couldn't be sure if it was safe, as any guards could be either the kings or BlackScale members. After about five minutes of searching for the armory, you had come across a guard in knights armor, who agreed to help you as soon as you showed him the coin the king had given to you. You were taken to the armory, where you got back your sword, daggers, John's gifts, and those statuettes you found in that mansion ages ago. Everything else, the armor, your bow, arrows, and your medallion were either taken or burned. Upon request, you were allowed to take a new bow and some armor, as well as some arrows. You had thanked the guard and set out to find the throne room again. Now, you were at the throne room, waiting for an answer to a very important question.

"Well they asked to use some land just outside my kingdom. It's in sight, so you'll know when you get there. Good luck, rouge shifter." The king spoke in a voice of authority. You bowed, your new armor fitting perfectly. It was of leather, with a few items fitted with iron plates. You stood again and left the hallway, your new armor acting as a disguise of sorts, so you weren't recognized immediately by BlackScale Guild members, but the king's guards knew your armor, and the coin, so as you set out, you could rely on backup if you came across a guard.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." You said before turning around and walking out of the room, now headed for the castle entrance, which was almost right in front of you.

   After a few minutes, you found yourself walking through the streets of Vale, looking for an entrance gate, thinking about where Katelyn, Aphmau, Laurence, and Dante were. You were all separated after Calamity, but now you were unsure of what was going on. All you knew was that something was stopped in Calamity, and now you had to do the same thing in Vale.

  Aphmau grunted and pushed herself up onto her knees, then her feet. Looking around, the first thing she noticed was how cold it was. Putting her arms around herself, she shivered, looking around. On the ground in front of her laid a coat and gloves. Taking them, Aphmau put on the warm clothes, now enjoying the warmth. Looking around, she noticed the barred door and lack of windows, along with the snoring guard in a chair in front of the door.

"Um.... excuse me?" Aphmau spoke in a quiet tone, recovering lost body heat.

  Laurence rolled over on the wood floor, being shaken awake by Dante.

"Laurence!" Dante whisper/shouted. Laurence snapped his eyes open and looked around.

"Huh?" Dante sighed in relief.

"Hey Laurence, get up!" Dante whispered again. Laurence sleepily sat up.

"Uh, why are we whispering?" Laurence whispered.

"It's curfew. We need to be silent or we get punished." Dante whispered back. Laurence arched an eyebrow and stood up before stretching.

"So.... where are we?" Laurence asked, quizzical.

"I asked the guard. We're in a prison in Altaria, one of the southern cities. Laurence arched an eyebrow.

"And why are we in jail?" Dante shrugged.

"Apparently, we were found unconscious at the scene of a robbery, with the stolen stuff in our hands, so it's a guilty-until-proven-innocent situation."

"Did you tell them what happened?" Laurence asked, exasperated.

"The Queen here isn't going to see us for awhile. So until then, we wait."

"Uh, no. You remember what happened in Calamity?"


"That's probably happening here too. We have to do something." Laurence persisted. Dante knit his eyebrows.

"Okay, But tomorrow. I don't want my hand cut off." Dante spoke, slowly. Laurence nodded as his eyelids grew heavy, despite the fact that he just woke up, and soon fell over.

Katelyn groaned for a moment before getting on her hands, then her knees and feet. The smell of salt lingered in the air as Katelyn shook off some wooziness left from her sleep.

"What... the heck?" She stood, breathing heavily. Whatever was in that dart, it took a lot out of her.

"Welcome to jail, prisoner." A rough voice greeted Katelyn as she looked up to see a young man holding a harmonica.

"Where am I, who are you, and why am I here." Katelyn spoke, aggression showing. The man raised his hands in surrender.

"You're in Carim Bay, I am not someone to remember, and the guards say you killed someone." The man responded.

"Ugh. I'm calling you Al, cause you look like an Al to me. Who did I kill?" Katelyn asked, crossing her arms.

"You 'killed' some commoner on the street, so you're in jail until the court can decide if you're innocent." Al responded, showing no emotion as he rolled his eyes and went to sleep on a bedroll. Katelyn sighed and sat down by the cell door.

You stood alert outside the gates of Vale. Getting out of the city was more difficult than expected, due to guards having to search you. As you now stood, you made a beeline to a hastily built shed, about the size of a bedroom. Walking just outside it, you heard chanting, as well as some low voices on the other side of the building.

"When is the ritual going to be done, Lewis?" The familiar voice of Lucious echoed around the shed.

"Please, Captain, have patience. The ritual in Calamity was disrupted, but four will still be enough to complete the summoning." You tilted your head before slowly feeling your body bulk up. As a black dragon stood where you did moments before, Lucious looked up to see you crushing the shed and the priests inside.

"Are you serious!?" He turned and stabbed Lewis in the throat with a dagger he held in his hand, before turning towards you.

"This is your final chance. Surrender now, or die." Lucious held up his dagger, threateningly. You spit acid on it, watching it dissolve.

".....Well, that's it." Lucious drew his sword and swung it down at your legs, which you sidestepped. Watching as Lucious continued swinging, you failed to notice the black shape hurdling through the sky, until you felt it hit your neck. Then you got knocked out for the second time today.

Well.... guys, I hate to inform you of this, but the next chapter will take awhile to come out, so I'll see to it that it's out soon, then either the chapter after that, or the next one will turn out to be the finale. But let's not get to that. To those who read all my stories, you will know I recently finished my first Nicole x male reader. Afterwards, I put up a vote on requests I've received, and ideas of my own, but there's a tie, so now, the first person to comment a vote on one of two stories, which will be shown in a bit, will decide which story comes out. Please consider this, and have a nice day. So Baii!

1: Ivy x Abused Male reader

2:Kawaii~Chan x Mute male reader

(Both are Phoenix Drop High)


~1218 Words

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