The Companion's Journey to Frost

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So, this chapter is going to be a bit different, as this is how your separated companions make their journey through the city they're stuck in, so enjoy!


"Sir? Excuse me?" Aphmau spoke, shivering. The guard snapped an eye open, looking over.

"Yes ma'am?" He responded, tired.

"Where am I?" He raised an eyebrow.

"You're in prison."

"No, which city?"

"Oh. You're in Symphony, the northern of the Five Kingdoms."

"The Five Kingdoms?" Aphmau asked. The guard chuckled.

"Where you from?"

"Phoenix Drop, near Scaleswind?" The guard chuckled again.

"You're a long way from home, aren't cha?" Aphmau crosses her arms.

"Well yeah! And unless I can get out of here, Phoenix Drop is going to be in grave danger!" The guard laughed.

"And what danger are we talking?"

"Dragons." The guard's face grew serious at the word.

"And why are dragons after your town?"

"We defeated a guild of dragon shifters, and we soon discovered that they're planning something unholy in these kingdoms. We cleared them out of Calamity, and now I find myself here." The guard turned and raised a hand.

"Woah woah woah. You found yourself here after getting knocked out in Calamity?" Aphmau nodded. The guard stood up and grabbed a key from his pocket.

"Then you didn't rob the store in town and kill the shopkeeper?" Aphmau shook her head. The guard grabbed handcuffs.

"Well, I'll take you to the king and queen. They'll want to hear your story." The guard unlocked the gate and bound Aphmau's hands before shoving a sack over her head, and walked her down some hallways, up stairs, through a brightly lit room, and down another hallway and took the sack of her head, revealing her to be in front of two people, who were obviously the king and queen

"My Irene, What is it now?" The king asked, as the queen placed her hand over his.

"Patience!" The Queen scolded him in a Scottish accent.

"Okay, I apologize, What is it?" The King said as the guard pushed Aphmau foreword.

"Tell the king your story Ma'am. He'll want to hear it." The guard told Aphmau.

"You see, your Majesty...." after a short explanation of what happened to Aphmau, The king stroked his beard.

"So... your friends are in unknown locations, Dragons are summoning demons, and you need to defend your town?" Aphmau nodded. The king sighed.

"We cannot ignore the threat of shifters, so I have no choice but to believe you. We will send couriers to the other kingdoms in request for your friends, as that's most likely where they are, then, according to your story, we will send soldiers to Frost, as that seems to be where the Shifters are situated."

"Your Majesty, What about the presence of Shifters in the kingdoms?" The king stroked his beard, contemplating Aphmau's point.

"We'll Have our Couriers request guarda to search everywhere for them, then stop them. Is that good?" Aphmau nodded.

"Splendid! I will take this young lady to frost myself, dear. You handle the Couriers and Guards." The Queen addressed the King again.

"Yes, That is wise. Young lady, go with the queen, she will take you to Frost, and I will see about your friends." The king spoke as the queen got off her throne and guided Aphmau away.

Dante and Laurence:

  Laurence woke up to see Dante playing the harmonica.

"Dude, how did you get a harmonica?" Dane looked over at Laurence.

"I just asked." Laurence sighed and shook his head.

"Whatever, we need to go." Laurence stood up and stretched.

"Well, I'll miss this place, it's actually really cool." Dante said.

"Yeah, But how are we gonna get out of here?" Laurence asked.

"Ask the guards nicely?" Dante shrugged.

"Yeah, cause that's gonna woooo...." Laurence watched as Dante asked te guard to leave. The door was opened.

"What!?" Laurence stood, amazed that that had worked.

"Yeah, Just ask nicely." Dante said as he walked through the cell door as two more guards came up.

"You two!" Dante and Laurence turned to see them.

"Yes?" Laurence asked.

"Are you two Dante and Laurence of Phoenix Drop?" Laurence looked suspicious.


"Wonderful. Please come with me." The guards took their wrists and dragged them away.

"Where are we going?" Dante asked.

"We are going to the city of Frost." Dante looked at Laurence.

"Isn't That where we were wanted to go?" Laurence asked Dante.

"Yes, But don't worry, we are taking care of this situation." The guard responded.

"Okay..." Dante said, skeptical. They were dragged to a room with a carriage.

"Get in. Your items are inside, and the driver will take you to Frost. There, the rest of your friends will be waiting." One guard said. Dante rushed in and hastily equipped his armor and weapons again, soon followed by Laurence. Soon, they were off.


  Katelyn currently had Al against the wall, by the neck.

"And how can I leave?" Katelyn asked the panicking cell mate.

"I swear I don't know! Ask Rob! He always the answers you need, I swear!" Al was almost on the verge of crying.

"And how can I leave the cell?"

"The guards will let you out during mealtimes and free time!" Katelyn smirked.

"And what will happen to you if I find out you're lying?" Al whimpered. Katelyn dropped him and walked back to her spot by the cell door.

"Can't believe I was stuck with the sniveling coward." She muttered under her breath. As Katelyn was sitting there, watching guards pass, two rushed through the area, before stopping at her cell.

"Are you Katelyn of Phoenix Drop?" Katelyn perked her head up.

"Yes, What does-"

"Come with us right away!" The guards opened the door and took Katelyn's wrist, rushingly dragging her through te hallways.

"Woah woah woah, What is happening?" Katelyn asked the guard running behind her.

"Shifters are in the city, and you're innocent. We're taking you to Frost, where you're friends will be waiting." Katelyn perked up at this. After a minute of running, the guards brought her outside and almost threw her into a carriage.

"Your stuff is inside, and we are searching the city for the Shifters! Godspeed, and May Irene bless your travels!" The Guard hurriedly said, Before he and the other guard rushed off, and the driver stirred the horses, who soon started the journey.

Well, this is very rushed, and I planned for it to go a lot differently, but hey! Have a nice day! So Baii!


~1091 Words

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