chocolate on my lips

Start from the beginning

After helping Theo make the Doughnuts and Alec at the counter to have the cupcakes and the Doughnuts packed for take away, I was permitted to leave at about 6 pm.

"Tomorrow is Sunday, so you will have to work full time. And you can have a week day off. Just tell me when you need a day off, Okay?" Alec said.

"Okay, Alec."

Theo came from the bakery carrying a box.
"Here, take this," he handed me the box.

"What's this?"

"Donuts. There were some remaining and we don't sell them tomorrow."

Geez, I loved Donuts.

"Thanks, I'll be back tomorrow morning. Goodbye."

"Are you planning to walk home?" Theo asked.

Alec and Theo stared at me, their bicycles by their sides.

"Here, take my bicycle today. I'll go with Alec."
He said.

I felt grateful. Both the brother and the sister were so kind to me. I even assumed kind people would not even be alive on the planet.

"Thank you very much." I said, lacking words to thank their generosity.

"Where've you been?"

It was Adrian, sitting beside his home gate clearly waiting for someone to come home.
His blue eyes were locked with mine, I could feel the attraction binding us closer.

"I found work at a Donut shop," I stated lamely as we entered his house.

"What's that?" He asked me.

I stealthily kept the Donut box on the table in the living room and opened it. Inside were three delicious donuts. My heart almost leaped out.

"Can I eat one? Please?" Adrian was saying clearly excited as a little kid.

"Sure, but the chocolate one belongs to me. You can have the blueberry one. Mrs. Reece will have the other."

Adrian clumsily took the blue berry doughnut and began eating.

When we had finally finished eating I asked Adrian;
"Where's Mrs. Reece?"

He smirked at me, his blue eyes suddenly turning darker.

"She went out to buy some groceries. That leaves you and me alone, in this house."
I gulped down the Doughnut that still remained in my Oesophagus.

"Hey, there's chocolate on your lip, Scarlett," Adrian said as his index finger moved to the side of my upper lip, almost too quickly.
I stood still.

His fingertip grazed my upper lip, his eyes were locking with mine. Then he did something that froze my spine.

He licked the chocolate on his finger.

God damn.

"Delicious..." he whispered. I bit my lower lip.
We stared for a long time.

I couldn't read what the boy was thinking. But his eyes were turning darker and hotter every freaking minute. Precisely, he was turning on his sexiness, for me. For us.

"I really like to bite that lip you're biting." He said, clearly aroused.

"Bite me then. Show me what it's like," I said challenging him.

He raised his eyebrow.

I took a step closer to him. His masculine scent was stronger, I could feel the warmth radiating through his body.

He was looking down at me, hungrily.

"Are you scared?" I whispered. He winced.

"I'm not scared. I just don't know what you are doing to me. You are so difficult, Scarlett. I don't know if I could forgive you for doing this to me."

Suddenly he was kissing me. His lips tasting the chocolate on my lips; fiercely as if it was the very first time he was tasting chocolate. His tongue grazed with mine; we were not kissing.
In fact, we were French kissing.

In the next minute, we were kissing all over the table, he was on the top of me, his hands caressing my face, cupping my face. When he was done with my face, his tongue moved down to my neck. I found myself closing my eyes and enjoying what his tongue did.

He was very good at this though, I thought.

"Hey baby," he said between his kisses ,
"I want you in my bedroom floor. Now."

Good lord. The bedroom floor?

Before I could even collect my senses, Adrian's hands were circled around my waist and he was already carrying me to his bedroom. I hung tight to him, almost gasping for air.

Like a feather, I was laid down on his bedroom floor; his fluffy bedroom floor.

And he was kissing me again. And again.

"Oh please,Adrian, we have to stop," I begged but he didn't stop. After planting a few kisses on my neck, he came to an abrupt stop, all of a sudden.

"Don't you like me?" He asked.
I stared at his blue eyes which were inches away from mine.

"Its not like that, I mean isn't this way too soon?"

He considered a moment.
Suddenly his turned a dangerous color, again.

"Please, I baby, I need you so badly," he grumbled hysterically, "Let me come."

Before I could even respond he was undoing the front buttons of my sweater. I grabbed his hand.

"Don't." I said.

His eyes were pleading me.

"Then at least, just let me kiss you once. Please."

When I didn't hesitate, he was kissing me once more. Despite what happened earlier, this was heaven, a holy grail I would like to find by myself; with him. His lips were soft against mine, a lovely combination. My heart started to melt in his waters.

His hands were all over my face, we were still kissing. His fingertips were gently circling my cheeks and in then they were in my hair.
The smoke in my lungs from kissing were too much and I did not know what happened. It was too late when I realized that he was touching my hair; my blonde wig.

Suddenly I felt it fall off from to my shoulders.
I opened my eyes. Adrian was stiff against me, his eyes showing alarm.

"What in the world is this?" He asked me.

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