Chapter Two || My Name is Sleepy Ash

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YaoiTora_Chan's Notes: I think so far everything thing we've wanted to say has been established. We're even on a good track to updating frequently. Which... oh my god, I can't believe I didn't have a co-author/beta-reader type person before!
Probably because I hadn't discovered wattpad until my best friend since sixth grade told me about later (I believe) or it was probably vice versa. Who knows! Have my memories are put into filing cabinets in my brain.
Anyway, oh and where the hellhounds live (critics and haters and the readers that just leave nice comments because they like the story xD) on the internet and don't should nearly as much interest in stories now than they did then. Meaning this story has no attention on Oh well., however, is making popularity slowly but surely. ^^ Okay, I'm done taking up your precious reading time.
Chapter Two: Sleepy Ash
Mahiru stared at the red eyed man, confused and shaking with anxiety. Mahiru subtly looked around the room, trying to find something he could use to fight this person. His eyes stopped when he spotted a mop leaning against his dresser, likely left by one of the maids. Gathering all his courage, he sprint over to the mop and grabbed it, but before he could turn around, he sensed a large figure standing directly behind him.

He froze, his hands sweating as he gripped the mop handle tighter. A large, pale hand reached out from behind him and grasped his hand holding the mop, slowly prying his fingers off of it. The second he loosened his grip on the mop, it jumped from his hand and flew around the ceiling. As quickly as it started the mop settled down and lifelessly leaned against the wall on the other side of the room. Mahiru stared at it, completely speechless, but he was quickly brought back by a deep monotonous voice right by his ear.

"Using violence, you're such a pain." the man mumbled softly by his ear, feeling his breath on the back of his neck. Mahiru tensed up, his heart racing out of control and his face flushed. The stranger sensed him tense up and let go of the hand he still held tightly, taking a few steps back.

After a pregnant silence, Mahiru took a deep breath to calm his nerves.

"Who are you?" He demanded, a bit more calmly than before. The man's crimson eyes locked with his own, drawing him in for the second time. "I asked who you are!" Mahiru raised his voice, "Now tell me or else I'll call the guards!"

The red eyed man let out a groan. "This is so troublesome I could die." Then he went on and mumbled. "Can't deal." Mahiru felt a tick mark form on his forehead, finding this man to be extremely annoying and irritating. Before he could retort, a thought struck him. The little kitten he saved had disappeared. Did this guy steal it?

"Where's Kuro? What have you-" Mahiru couldn't finish his question as the room lit up with a bright red light. Mahiru shot his glance down to his feet to see a giant red magic circle. He averted his gaze when he felt something tickle his finger, he looked over to his hand to find a red string tied around his pinkie. His eyes followed the red string, seeing It come to an end tied around the stranger's pinkie. The light suddenly vanished and everything returned to normal.

They stayed silent for a long while until the man broke it, leaning his head to stare at the ceiling, letting out a huge exasperated sigh, "Kill me now..."

Without hesitation, Mahiru rushed up to the man and grabbed his shirt, shaking him violently while yelling, "What in the world was that? What happened? What was that red string? And why did you steal my cat you thief?"

"What's with all the nagging questions? If I was a thief I wouldn't still be here right now, plus I'm not a thief. I'm just a kind hearted shut in."

"A kind hearted... shut in?" Mahiru repeated. "You broke into my castle and you're telling me you're a kind hearted shut in?" Mahiru shook his head. "I don't believe you."

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