Chapter Three || Sakuya

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YaoiTora_Chan's Notes: Oh my gosh! Chapter 3 We've made it! xD I'm happy! Anyway, I just wanna throw one thing out there. There will be an explanation coming for the red string of fate in the story. So if there's any questions, the answer will be in the story at some point. ^^ Enjoy!

Disclaimer: The whole idea of mages and stuff was thought up by me. The plot, the title. The little things in the plot, Yukime-chan and I thought up and discussed together. I can't necessarily take screenshots to prove our co-author-ship(?) because it'll spoil the who story. Anyway, that takes the heat off that. Now the servamp characters, setting and anime/manga plot all belong to Strike Tanaka (my new manga/anime idol besides Masashi Kishimoto who wrote Naruto!)

Warning: Violence/Blood, cursing/swearing, light yaoi, fun, fun moments, and fluff! xD


Chapter 3: Sakuya

Mahiru stirred in his bed, feeling cold and rather uncomfortable. He turned over and suddenly bumped into something warm. Instinctively, he snuggled towards it, longing for the warmth. Strange, this feels so nice, I wonder what it is.

Mahiru's eyes fluttered open and he found himself looking at a bunch of black fabric, he looked up and froze.

Mahiru's face was barely several inches away from the stranger he met just the night before. His eyes grew wide and a blush crept up on his face as he realized the situation. Unable to control his embarrassment, he let out a scream that would put a girl to shame, falling off the bed in the process.

Mahiru stared at Kuro who had somehow managed to turn human in his sleep. What is he doing in that form?! And why is he in my bed with me?! He took several deep breaths in an attempt to calm his nerves. He couldn't believe that this person could still be asleep after he had just screamed bloody murder and fell off the bed. Mahiru swallowed, bringing his hand to his chest and clenching his nightshirt. His face still felt hot but the embarrassment subsided a little.

It's okay, Mahiru, he's just asleep. He probably didn't realize that he transformed back into a human. Mahiru told himself softly before he took one deep, deep, deep breath to help calm his nerves a little more. His pulse drummed against his chest, too fast for his breathing to keep up with. A sudden knock on the door brought him back to his senses.

"Mahiru?" A worried, muffled voice called from the other side of the door. Realizing the situation, Mahiru frantically tried to regain his composure. He sprung up and placed a hand on Kuro's shoulder.

"Kuro, hey, you have to wake up!" Mahiru whispered as he shook the blue haired mage. After several attempts too many, and Mahiru's patience hanging by a thread, he managed to get a groan. Kuro half opened one of his eyes, staring dazed at the brunette with an irritated scowl.

"Kuro, you have to change back! Quickly!" Kuro closed his eyes and mumbled something incoherent under his breath before changing back into a cat. Mahiru jumped at the sudden transformation, still not quite used to it. He moved his gaze to the door. There was only one other person besides Misono and Ryuusei that would address him without formalities.

Mahiru quickly tried to make himself look presentable before walked over to the door. He cracked the door open and peeked out, being greeted by a boy his age with bright firefly green hair. Mahiru looked up and down, noticing the boy's outfit. It was a simple vest with a buttoned shirt underneath it and a long red trench coat over the vest, a pair of tan pants and dark brown boots.

"Good morning Sakuya!" Mahiru gave a bright smile to his best friend, "What brings you here so early? You look very nice today." Mahiru complimented.

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