2- Confrontation

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Time jump to 5th year

"Hermione, Draco is so in love with you!" Pansy giggled as she skipped to Hermione's side.
"No he is not Pansy, we've only been in school for literally a week, and you've brought this up billions of times!" Hermione laughed while shaking her head.

Pansy raised her eyebrows at her oblivious friend and sighed.

"Remember the time when you went to the Yule ball with Viktor Krum? Didn't you see how jealous he looked?" Daphne asked making Pansy nodded in agreement.

"Then you asked him to dance with you because you saw he was upset and wanted to 'cheer him up' but he refused to tell you why he was in a horrible mood. He was upset that he didn't go the ball with you! Didn't you see his eyes light up when you two started to dance?" Daphne continued, causing Hermione to roll her eyes.

Daphne and Pansy's laughs bounced off the stone walls while Hermione just huffed in annoyance.

"C'mon guys we are talking about Draco. He's a Malfoy! Surly he likes someone else then me" Hermione reasoned, sitting down in her favorite class, potions.

"Do you even know who you are? You are the Hermione Gaunt! Part of the sacred 28, brightest witch of her age, the Slytherin princess, parseltongue, and descendent of bloody Salazar Slytherin himself!" Pansy scoffed. "Plus, you know how much Draco Malfoy is an arse! Have you noticed that he is so much less of an arse in front of her? I mean come on, I've never seen Draco look at any other girl like how he looks at her" Pansy told Daphne who nodded in agreement.

"I mean sure he's had some few shags but you have too anyways so that definitely means nothing because you have had a massive crush on him and you still seduced other guys. " Pansy continued and Hermione rolled her eyes and raised her eyebrows questioningly at her friend. "But yet again, is that a good thing, shagging other guys but still having a crush on someone? Whatever, but I heard he's really good at it too, so that's good for you" Pansy smirked.

"Pansy, I don't care because I do not have a crush on him Pans!" Hermione scowled.

"Still in denial huh? You really think you can hide your feelings from your best friend of 5 years?You guys are perfect for each other! I mean the sexual tension is just so thick, it can suffocate everyone in the dining hall" Pansy smirked. "Can I be the godmother when you guys have babies?" Pansy smiled playfully making Hermione groan.

"Pans, shut up. For the last time, I do not have a crush on-"

"Who does Hermione have a crush on?" She heard the familiar voice cutting her off. Draco Malfoy strolled towards her with his posse walking behind him, his platinum blond hair glowed as the sun hit his perfectly styled hair.

Draco gave her a quick charming smirk at which could make any girls fall for him, counting her.

"We were discussing how Hermione has a crush on-" Pansy started but was quickly interrupted by a hand covering her mouth.

"No one, we were discussing about no one" Hermione shot a venomous glare at Pansy who just innocently shrugged. Draco smirked and raised his eyebrows before pulling up a seat next to her.

"Hey" He greeted kindly, his usual scowl replaced with an almost smile.

"Hello" Hermione smiled, returning his kind greeting. They both heard a groan making them turn to see who it had belonged to. The infamous Blaise Zabini crossed his arms and smirked as the pair's eyes landed on him.

"Can you guys stop looking so lovey dovey towards each other? It makes me sick" Blaise sarcastically commented while pretending to vomit making the others snicker. Hermione scoffed and glared at Draco's friend.

"Oh do shut up Blaise, you very well know that we're not even dating. What's wrong with greeting a friend?" Hermione answered confidently.

"So do friends normally flirt with each other every time they see each other?" Blaise smirked. Hermione rolled her eyes, and ignored his comment.

"Open your books and read page 45" she heard Professor Snape walk in and instruct unemotionally. She quickly turned towards her heavy textbook and started reading.

Hermione and Draco walked aimlessly around Hogwarts while having their posse trailing behind them. The 2 laughed amongst themselves but stopped when they spotted the 3 Gryffindors.

"Pothead, Weasel, and Weaslette" Draco sneered, seeing the 3.
"Malfoy" Potter glared through his glasses.

Draco opened his mouth to talk when Ronald purposely bumped into Hermione, catching her off guard and making her lose her balance. Without hesitation, Draco grabbed her arms to steady her which Hermione sent a gracious smile to thank.

"What is your problem?" Hermione sneered turning her attention back to the red head.
"Oh hello Draco's shag, didn't see you there" Ron smirked sarcastically making Hermione scoff and step forward.

"What did you say?" Draco took a dangerous stride while clenching his jaws. "Don't you talk to her like that" Draco sneered.

"Oh look at that! Draco caring about someone but himself! But Gaunt, don't waste your time, he'll find someone new to shag by next week" The red head laughed.

"Excuse me, but I am not his shag but his best friend and I believe you don't know what you are talking about" Hermione equipped sending a harsh glare.

"Draco shags best friends now? Like friends with benefits? How cute" Ronald laughed.

"You know I don't know what's more sad" Draco drawled. "Your tiny brain coming up with ridiculous conclusions or you not even having your first kiss with someone yet"

"Yes, yes I have! I've had my first kiss" Ronald retorted furiously.

"And who might that be? Your mothers kissing you goodnight doesn't count Weasel" Draco insulted making the red head's ears turn red.

"No Lavender Brown!" He retorted earning a laugh from Draco.

"Lavender Brown? The one that calls you won-won? The girl can't even say your name right, she's mental. I said someone, not a mental patient from St. Mungos Weasel . Now I suggest that you get your ugly face out of our faces, my eyes have suffered enough for today" Draco taunted making Ronald's body shake with anger.

"Come on Ron, he's not worth it" Hermione heard Potter whisper while dragging him out of the courtyard.

Hermione GauntWhere stories live. Discover now