13-Really Pretty Origin Story

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When the stories started, I shifted and lay on Sebastian's lap. I didn't pay too much attention to most of the stories. A lot of them got laughs and a few got tears and shouts of anger. But only one caught my attention. The origin story of how this place was made.

"Once, long ago, there was no place such as this. The sea mermaids stayed to their salty water, for they needed the salt to live and coming to our waters would have killed them. The river mermaids stayed in their fresh waters, for the salt of the seas would have killed them. Neither side of the mermaid race would admit it, but each wanted so dearly to meet a mermaid of the other waters. But alas, it was impossible, for that would have meant death.

Back in those days, there was a queen for the sea mermaids and a queen for the river mermaids. They met in secret and marveled at each other. Their beastias are unnamed, for no fish such as theirs remain now. The Queen of the Sea was Lilioukalani, a work of art in smoke and electric blue. The Queen of the Rivers was Melusine, a coppery jewel of beauty. They despaired for their people.

Every day, more tried to cross over and meet the others. The most beautiful songs written by the River People were about the raging sea. The most enchanting verses by yhe Sea People were of the peaceful rivers. Their people longed to be united but they could not be.

The Queens played a song together. The song was so beautiful that it brought the Sapphire River and the Thundering Sea spiraling together. The Queens played with their lives, pouring everything they had into their music. They died as they made a place where their people could live together. They used the last of their lives to ensure that nature would not destroy their creation.

They are barely remembered by the mermaids now. But this place remembers; it has been said that this place sends dreams to people, and some of those lovely dreams are about the Queens and the selfless sacrifice they made for their people.

All I ask is that you remember where you are living and that you do not mar it. The Queens gave their lives for this place. Respect it and thank the Queens everyday," the story teller said. I nodded at him as he left. He smiled and left the tent.

Sebastian picked me up and tried to put me in my tent. I climbed away from it sleepily. He sighed and walked to his tent. He layed down and I lay down on his chest. I felt his laughter as I fell asleep.

I dreamed of the Queens that night. They beckoned to me, asking my help. Before I could go to them, the dream changed and I was sleeping next to a small boy with blond hair and green eyes and a small girl with black hair and red eyes. I looked to the left and saw Sebastian cooking food out the flap of a tent, although he seemed older now.

Tears flowed from my eyes and I felt a small hand on my face, wiping the tears.

"Mommy, why are you sad," the little boy asked. I felt a hug and looked down to the little girl hugging my waist.

"Because I don't think this is real, but I want it to be so badly," I answered the little boy.


Awww, happy story followed by sad dream. Please don't be mad at me for posting late, I completely forgot to write yesterday. I got super distracted with YouTube. I really need to stop but just can't. Oh well. Hope you liked it. Keep swimming my lovely land sharks. I love you all and hope to see you back here next week. 0)

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