24-Death Makes No One Happy

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I was laying on the ground, staring up at the sun. Not that I could see it; I had gone blind years ago. I had just lived here so long I knew its track in the sky. I could feel it's warmth on my face.

I remembered the warmth of my mother's hugs; she was long gone now. Ari, Naju, and I were her only family left. Besides our children and grandchildren of course. Like they had hoped so long ago, Lexy and Ali had gotten married and Hael and Maia got married. They had beautiful children.

Thinking of them reminded me of my last sight. All my children and their newborn children gathered together in a group for a painting. I had yet to join them. I walked towards them and stumbled as my lights suddenly went out. I never saw again after that, but Lexy and Hael tell me I have beautiful grand and great-grandchildren. I believe them, because even if they're lying it's to make me feel better.

A rattling cough goes through my chest. I stay laying down, wanting to rest as much as possible.

"Grandma? Are you okay," a small voice acts. I nodded and coughed again. "You don't sound fine though. You're coughing a lot. You know that right," the little kid told me.

"Yes, yes, I know I'm coughing a lot. I'll be fine if you come over here and lay down by me," I enticed. I heard an excited squeal as the child came and lay down on the ground next to me.

"Tell me one of your stories. They are so good," I told the kid. I knew it was one of my great-grandchildren. The one that loved stories.

"Okay grandma. How about the one with the two queens," he suggested. I nodded and lay still. He had a wonderfully soothing voice. I drifted into sleep and wondered whether I would wake up from this sleep.

I never did.

Okay guys! So that's the end, hope you liked it. I know it went really fast towards the end but I kinda ran out of ideas for the story. That's why it may have felt rushed. Bad news: I have pneumonia. Good news: I will probably get really bored and update a lot. That or I'll sleep a lot or get distracted by YouTube. I don't know when or if I will do a sequel to Shimmer. Probably not, as I don't wanna write more than 3 stories at once and I really don't feel like it.


P.s., love you all and thanks for the support.

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