1-How I got There

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     When I was growing up in Grimalkin, one of the only sphinx towns that I knew of, I was surrounded by a community that hated mermaids. Most sphinxes didn't mind the other races as long as they leave us alone, but for some reason the sphinxes of Grimalkin hated mermaids. Even the katzenkinders hated mermaids.
     Except me. I was fascinated by them. The way the sun brought up patterns on their hair. The fanned tails of some river mermaids. The bright colors of the sea mermaids. They way they lived.
     When the others found out, I was exiled. So I began to wander. I followed the rivers near Grimalkin outward until I reached the edge of the sea. Then I follwed the seashore along peninsulas and bays. I reached a spot where a river spilled into a sea. It was weird though. Most rivers as big as this one had deltas, little islands made of sediment pushed downstream by the currents. This one didn't.
     I decided to see where it led. I followed it upstream for a few days. The water was very calm and reflected my image back at me. My malachite eyes tinted blue by the water, the hair that had earned me my name almost as long as I was tall, my long black tail that was the same size as me keeping my balance even. This stream was freshwater.
     And then I saw it. The mermaid pod. I found a little tributary of the river that passed over a cliff as a waterfall. I climbed up the cliff and looked out over the camp. It was in the middle of two rivers that spiraled around each other in the ancient symbol of good and evil. The sources of the two rivers were large mostly still pools of water with little islands in the centers. One was saltwater; I could tell because the island waa surrounded by brightly colored coral. The other was surrounded by a kind of moss forest. I saw little stalls in the pools and smiled; mermaids always kept their best stuff in the pools.
     I watched mermaid pods until they saw me and made me leave. I liked these mermaids. I saw one that was tall and blond, the sun making her hair orange striped with blue. I decided to call her Willow after the way she walked. There was another that had flat grey hair, both in and out of the sun. He was Shadow to me. I called a third Boop Boop after a small silver fish with large white eyes in the rivers. The little boy I called Boop Boop was adorable and full of energy and excitement. A fourth I called Phoenix because of her flaming red hair in the shade, though in the sunlight her hair looked like a Queen Angelfish.
     And then there was that one, that one that always caught my eye. He was taller than me, although with me being 4'3" that wasn't very hard. He had thick, shaggy black hair that looked like a Symphysodon Discus Fish which partially covered his beautiful crimson eyes. They were like two pools of blood, beautiful in a slightly alarming way. I called him Symphony because he played such lovely music. He was the center of my attention everyday. He just drew my eye, and sometimes I wished I could do something about the way I felt drawn to him.


Hello my land sharks. So if you were wondering well why doesn't she just go say she likes him it's because there are no Chimera Children in her hometown Grimalkin and she has never heard of them. She thinks it is impossible for a child not of pure race to be born. Hope you liked it and see you all back here next Wednesday or maybe on Friday if you read Random Stories. 0) (<this is a cyclops smiling by the way)

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