11-I Meet Ari's Girlfriend

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Ari was gone when I woke up in the morning. I ate food with Sebastian as he explained that Ari had gone back to Halvana to get someone. He would be back in a few hours. I questioned that logic as I recalled the long walk through the pack bond. Then, mouth full of food, he explained through the pack bond that Ari had left as soon as I was asleep. I nodded and finished eating. We washed dishes and sat in front of my tent.

I sighed. What to do? While I pondered, Sebastian managed to slip away and come back with something. I noticed when he sat back down.

"Uhm...we are having a dance thing in three days and I was...wondering if you wanted to go...with me," Sebastian said slowly, thinking about his word choice carefully.

I thought for a moment before answering, "Yes." He smiled and pumped his fists in the air. He calmed down as held his hand out to me.

"I um...had this made for you. You don't have to take it if you don't like it though," he said. He opened his hand and I gasped at the object he held. It was a little hair pin, a filigree silver fish circling a large golden sphere that looked like a pearl or a fish egg. It looked like it was supposed to be a fish egg when I noticed an engraving on the sphere in the shape of a tiny fish. I gently held it in my hands. I couldn't say a thing, just stared at it. It's so beautiful. I don't deserve this, I thought.

Of course you do. You are far more beautiful than a hairpin, Sebastian thought back. I blushed and smiled at Sebastian. I walked into my tent and put the pin on top of the dress I had gotten on the day we went shopping for more clothes. That was the same day the Ari had come. I sighed. When was he gonna be back.

"Hey. Wanna go swimming," Sebastian asked. He was very excited. I nodded and followed him to the river. He slipped into the water and shifted. I dipped my toes into the water before slipping in and shifting. I paddled around. I was much better at swimming now. I could keep up with Sebastian at his cruising speed and I didn't get overly tired as we swam. We started a game where Sebastian would nibble on my pads or my tail and I would try to tap him on the mouth. I actually got him a few times. A bunch of younger children swam around us is a whirlpool of flashing colors after swimming for about three hours. I laughed as well as I could in a lion's body as the tide caught my body and spun me around. As it got darker, the children slowly dispersed. After a while only a few were left, one that I recognized among them. It was Alex, the little Boop Boop. I swam over to him and we had a short mental chat. He was a really intelligent kid.

I climbed out of the water and shook my self out. Sebastian came out a second after me. He noticed me shivering and picked me up. He built a fire to cook food on. While he was making food, I was enjoying the warmth of the fire. I purred loudly and half closed my eyes. I was surprised when he set a plate down in front of me. I ate the catfish in my beastia. By thw time I was done, I was all dried off and drifting to sleep. Sebastian picked me up and carried me somewhere. I didn't pay attention where, I just passed out.

When I woke up in the morning, I was curled up next to Sebastian in my beastia. I got up and stretched. I smiled at his sleeping face before licking it. He woke up at the touch of my rough tongue. He smiled and gave me a piece of jerky and a cup of seaweed milk for breakfast. I lapped it up as he changed. I didn't look, obviously...ok, maybe I peeked a little bit. But he had some abs, I will just tell you now. I snapshotted the image in my mind for later. I climbed out of his tent smiling.

I noticed that Ari was coming towards my tent, hand in hand with a young woman. It was a werewolf; I could tell from her claw-like fingernails and pointed, slightly furry ears. Males normally had furrier ears. She had russet red hair and sectoral heterochromia in her eyes. The left was blue and the right was half blue, half amber. It was really pretty. I noticed that there was a little rabbit hopping around her feet. It was russet red like she was, although it had just amber eyes. I noticed that it had little horns after looking closer. A jackalope, the usual pet of werewolves.

"Ahem! Jet, if you could please shift, I will introduce you to my girlfriend," Ari said. I nodded and shifted. He continue, "Jet, this is Larentia. She is a werewolf and the woman that saved my life...and my girlfriend. The jackalope is Honey. Larentia, this is my big sister, Jet."

I held my hand out to her, shaking her hand. "Nice to meet you, Larentia. Make sure to take care of my brother. He may look like a war machine, but he is a big softy," I said.

"Likewise. I will try to keep him from fighting more zombies. And I believe that he is a softy. He is sooooo kind and adorable...but also really scary when he needs to be," Larentia responded.

Larentia and I chatted about random things and little theories we had, leaving the guys to do their guy things. We talked until about three, when Ari and Larentia had to head back.

After they were gone I talked to Sebastian some more. "She was really nice. I like her," I said. He nodded.

"She seemed like she really cared about Ari. She looks at him like he is the only thing in the world," Sebastian added. I smiled and leaned against him. We sat like that for a while, getting up only to eat and come back afterwards. I asked about the new fish in the river side and he just shrugged, saying new fish came and went all the time. I nodded and fell asleep as night fell. He carried me to my bed and I dreamed of him all night.


Hey guys! Hope you liked it! What do you think of Larentia? Sleeps and fishes, wooo! See ya next week. Love ya my land sharks, just keep swimming! 0)

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