"You're acting unusually.. chirpy this morning." He mused.

"Chirpy? Didn't realise I was a bird. Chirp chirp." I replied and he rolled his eyes but laughed at my weirdness.

"You ready or are you eating that whole box?" He asked.

"Lets step on the gas!" I announced, jumping out of my seat, flinging my backpack on and running out of the kitchen and towards the front door, with one arm in front of me as if I was superman.

"Woah. Too much gas. Too much gas." My dad sighed, following me and grabbing his keys.

"Hello hello baby you called I can't hear a thing!" I announced as a greeting when I reached riley and her friends when I arrived at school. They all turned to look at me and looked confused by my hyperactivity.

"Hello radiant young lady." Gabriel greeted me and I grinned.

"Wow the weather is just... beautiful today." I announced, looking around and at the sky as if it was a beautiful sunny day. However it was actually pouring with rain, good job we were standing beneath some kind of shelter.

"It's raining.." Noah stated with a raised eyebrow.

"Noooo... is it?" I drawled with fake shock and he snickered.

I then noticed Callie was drinking some kind of hot substance and I stared at it in awe.

"Do you want it?" She asked me, holding it towards me.

"No no, you enjoy it." I said and she handed it to me.

"No, I've drank enough of it and I ordered coffee by mistake instead of hot chocolate anyway." She shrugged and I thanked her and drank some of it.

"Wow I needed this. Thanks so much." I said gratefully.

Riley narrowed her eyes at me,

"Why did you need it so much? And why are you acting... giddy?" She asked suspiciously.

"I didn't get any sleep." I shrugged.

"Why not?" Darcy asked.

"Are you drunk, missus?" Gabriel asked, narrowing his eyes and staring at me intensely whilst putting his hand on his hip and tapping his foot like a diva.

"I was at a party." I shrugged, drinking some coffee.

"All night?" Harrison laughed.

"Yeah. Well, we didn't leave until like 1 or something." I replied.

"We? Who did you go with?" Riley asked

"Kol." I laughed.

"I thought you said he's bad." She said.

"He is. He wouldn't take no for an answer, and I can't turn away a good party. And a good party it was... anyway, we're like frenemies so it's all good." I rambled.

"How are you alive and not... hungover and dead?" Noah asked.

"How can you be hungover when you're still drunk?" I answered and they all looked at me in surprise for a moment before laughing.

"Drink the coffee." Riley laughed, pushing the cup towards my mouth.

"In case you forgot, we finish school early today because it's the night of illumination." Darcy told me.

"Noooo that's today?! Caroline is forcing me to volunteer to help out." I groaned, mentally smacking my head against a wall. Well, at least I don't have a full day of school.

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