Chapter Ten, Camping Trip Part 2

Start from the beginning

~Brick's P.O.V~

butch and i sat around the fire. kaoru went to bed not long after momoko did. butch and i have been sitting out here alone for about an hour now. "so can i ask you some thing?", butch asked. "yeah?", i asked. "you and momoko are getting pretty serious", butch said. "yeah i guess so", i said. "don't you guys think your moving really fast?", butch asked. "i don't know man it just feels right when I'm with her", i said, "its like there is nothing else in the world just us". "i know how that feels", butch said. he was probably thinking back to kaoru and him on the island earlier today. "i really love her butch", i said. "i can see that", butch said as he smiled. "i never expected this to happen", brick said. "what?", butch asked. "i never expected i was going to fall in love with a puff i mean were ruffs we should have been enemies for ever right?", i said, "but i am really glad we did fall in love because i couldn't imagine my life with out her". "i never expected to fall in love at all", butch said, "i always figured i'd just travel the world and not care about love". "i always knew i'd fall for some one but i never knew it would be so early in life or this fast", i said. "yeah you really fell for momoko fast", butch said. "hell i didn't fall she fucking tripped me", i said as i chuckled. butch laughed at my joke. "and i bet you tripped her to", butch said with a smile. i smiled to. "so what do you think the future holds for you guys i mean since you will be living in the same place as her in a few days when she turns 18", butch said. "i don't know", i said, "all i know is what ever future i have i want her in it". "marriage, kids?", butch asked. "i'd love for her to be my wife some day and i'd love to be the father of her children one day but i'm just scared", i said. "why?", butch asked. "i don't know it just seems so perfect and usually when perfect things happen some thing bad always has to happen and ruin it", i said. "yeah i under stand that", butch said. "i don't want any thing bad to happen", i said, "after that dream i had last night really shook me up it was like once momoko died my whole life was over i didn't want to live any more". "i know how you feel", butch said softly, "i don't know what id do with out kaoru". "yeah i can see you really love her", i said. "i do i even told her that today", butch said. "you told her you loved her!?", i asked, "what did she say?". "she said she loved me to", butch said, i told her after we stopped kissing back when we was on the island". "I'm surprised she didn't try to drowned you after you told her", i joked. "yeah me to", butch said as he laughed. "so do you think you guys will you know grow old together and get married and kids and stuff?", i asked. "i'd love to", butch said. "you and kaoru don't talk about that kinda stuff do you?", i asked. "hell no she would rip my head off if i brought it up", butch said. i laughed. "yeah i guess your right", i said as butch yawned. "i think its time for bed", butch said as he stood up and stretched his arms. "yeah same here", i said as i stood up and stretched. "night brick", butch said as he walked over to his tent. "butch", i said. butch stopped and turned around and looked at me. "yeah?", butch asked. "it was nice talking to you", i said, "you know actually having a meaningful conversation. we don't have very many of these". butch smiled and said, "I'm your brother and I'm here for you any time you need me i know some times i shut you and boomer out but just remember you guys can come to me any time except when I'm pissed or with kaoru". i laughed. "good night butch", i said as i walked over to my tent. "night brick", butch said as he went into his tent. i went into my tent and zipped the door closed. i sat down next to my bag. i turned on my lantern so i could see. i opened my back and pulled out my red tank top. i took off my jacket and shirt and hat and put them in my bag. i put my tank top on and took off my jeans and put them into my bag. i like sleeping in tank tops and just my boxers. i feel comfortable that way. i crawled over to my sleeping bag and slipped into it. i reached over and turned the lantern off then laid down. i closed my eyes waiting to fall asleep. wow i cant believe butch really opened up to me. i cant believe he actually sat there and listened to what i had to say. butch is usually not like that. has he changed? has he become a different person? since when did he become sincere? he wasn't very sincere when he was scaring the hell out of momoko and i earlier while we was in her tent. i rolled over and laid on my side. butch is usually hard headed and a jerk that makes fun of people when they have problems not some one that you go to when you have problems and want to talk. usually boomer is the one you go to when you want to talk about some thing serious. maybe my brother has had a change of heart? naw no way not butch he is to much of an ass for that. i laid there for a few minutes not thinking of any thing. i heard a noise that startled me at first but then i heard her voice which made my heart soften. "brick you awake?", momoko whispered. i opened my eyes and looked at her. "yeah", i said as i smiled. momoko smiled back at me. momoko climbed into my tent and sat down by my feet. momoko looked sad as if she were going to cry. "whats wrong?", i asked as i sat up and grabbed her hand. "i had a horrible dream", momoko said as a tear rolled down her beautiful face, "you-- you died". "aw its okay I'm here", i said softly as i rubbed my thumb on her hand. "it was so real brick!", momoko sobbed. "hey hey its okay", i said as i pulled her into a hug, "don't cry I'm here". momoko pulled away and looked at me. i used my thumb to wipe away her tears. wow even when she has mascara running down her face she is still beautiful. "can i sleep with you?", momoko asked. "of course", i said as i smiled and unzipped my sleeping bag so she could crawl in. momoko smiled as she zipped the tent door closed and crawled over to me. she laid down next to me facing away from me so we was in a spooning position. i zipped the sleeping bag up around us. "it was an awful dream brick", momoko whispered. "what happened?", i asked. "i don't know you just got sick and there was nothing the doctors could do", momoko said, "oh brick it was so hard seeing you so sick every time i seen you i felt like part of me way dying". i held her tightly to me to reassure her every thing was okay. "you were so pale, so thin, so sick", momoko whispered, "and when you died i felt like i couldn't go on i felt like i was dying slowly with out you". "its okay I'm here and healthy", i whispered into her ear. her soft hair brushed against my face. she smelled like sweet strawberries. momoko grabbed my hand and held it close to her chest. "i love you brick", momoko said softly. "i love you to baby don't worry ill always be here for you", i said. "and ill always be here for you to", momoko whispered softly in a sleepy voice. "night momoko", i whispered. "night brick", momoko whispered back. i closed my eyes. wow what could be better than this? i have the girl of my dreams here in my arms. I'm glad she is here. i love her. i slowly began to drift off into a peaceful sleep.

~Momoko's P.O.V~

my eyes fluttered open to the dimly lite tent. i smiled as i realized brick's arms was still around me. he smelled like cinnamon like always. the dream i had last night felt so real. it made my heart ache when i thought of it. brick was so sweet last night. he was so comforting. I'm so thankful it was only a dream. i don't know what id do if i lost him. i love him. i couldn't imagine my life with out him. bright sun light shined into the tent as some one opened the door. "hey brick---", butch said but stopped when he seen me. "uh hi", i said sleepily. brick's eyes slowly fluttered open. "wha?", brick murmured as he looked at me then to butch. "uh sorry if I'm interrupting", butch said as he smiled. "no i just woke up", i said. i looked passed butch and seen kaoru about to open my tent. probably to wake me up. "kaoru she is over here spooning with brick", butch said as he laughed. kaoru turned and looked in at us. kaoru smirked at us. "so you guys naked in that sleeping bag?", butch asked. "no!", i said loudly as i sat up. "yeah butch shut up", brick said as he sat up to. i unzipped the sleeping bag and crawled out and then out of the tent. brick followed me. i stretched my arms and blinked my eyes trying to adjust to the light. kaoru grabbed my elbow and turned me around to her. her face was full of concern. "was you crying?", kaoru asked looking at brick as if she was going to kill him. "yeah i was", i said. "why?", kaoru asked still looking angrily at brick. "i had a bad dream about brick last night and it really upset me", i said. kaoru looked back at me. her facial expression was soft and comforting. "so i went to brick's tent to make sure he was alright and i ended up crying in front of him", i said, "so he let me sleep with him in his tent". "so it was like a booty call with baggage?", butch joked. "no butch we didn't even kiss!", i said angrily. miyako walked over to us with a make up remover wipe and handed it to me. "thanks", i said softly as i wiped the mascara off my face. i seen brick smiling and shaking his head. "and here i thought you changed your ways", brick said to butch. "nah one heart to heart conversation doesn't change any thing about me", butch said as he smiled. brick smiled and rolled his eyes. "heart to heart convo?", kaoru asked. "its nothing we just talked last night after you guys went to bed", butch said. "about?", kaoru asked. "nothing but we should really start packing up and get ready to go we slept in pretty late and its a two hour drive back", butch said. "alright fine don't tell me", kaoru said as she walked away. 

Blossom and Brick a ppgz and rrbz love storyWhere stories live. Discover now