Chapter 1:"...I have bad news"

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Author's note: Firstly, I'd like to thank you for even giving this story a chance. The first 2 chapters aren't that interesting but I promise it does get a LOT better. Another issue I'd like to adress is that this story and ALL of the stories that I publish on this account are my own. Everything I write is from my imagination. So please do not attempt to steal my ideas or claim that my book is yours. I will be forced to take legal action against you if you do.

PS, there are some minor errors in the book. For example sometimes I confuse Mr kref to Mr Krey, so please just ignore that. There's probably also a decent amount of typos so please just ignore those too. I do have an app that helps me edit out mistakes, but sometimes I miss some.

Another thing: This isn't a cliche Stockholm syndrome story. If that's what you're looking for, then this isn't the book for you. This story will make you go through an emotional rollercoaster and sometimes aggravate the shit out of you.

Otherwise, I hope you enjoy this story :)!


Question. Has anyone ever asked you which one of your parents you preferred? And you would always just answer "I love them both equally" but deep down you know who you really favor.

I loved my mum.

She was by far my favorite. My dad on the other hand...has never been around. He didn't leave my mother and I or anything but he probably should have. 

He is addicted to drugs. More specifically, cocaine. Loves the stuff. He always leaves the house and stays out all day before stumbling back into the house at like 4 am in the morning muttering incoherent words to himself, high as balls.

At first, it didn't bother me because he didn't really talk to me or acknowledge me either. But now...he was standing in front of me, it was a Saturday morning and surprisingly he wasn't high.

"Dad?" I question as I watch him enter my room.

"Oh, sweetie, great. You're awake" he says, letting out a nervous laugh.

I awkwardly look around the room waiting for him to explain his unexpected presence.

"Um...I need to talk to you" he says.

I nod.

He walks over to the edge of my bed and plops down.

"I have bad news. I...did something" he says, avoiding eye contact.

"What?" I ask

" know how I get when I go more than four hours without the stuff. I was desperate, I needed more. I just can't help i_"

"What are you talking about?" I ask

"I had a debt of $1000" He says

My eyes widen.

"Had? How did you pay it off?" I ask

He nervously laughs again.

"That's where you come in" he says

"What do you mean?" I trail

He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

"I sold you for $1000 dollars"

I feel my heart stop for a few milliseconds. My eyes widen so much I was surprised they hadn't popped out of their sockets.

"Excuse me?" I growl

"I'm so sorr_"

"Sorry? Sorry? Who the f*ck does that?"

"I had no choice"

"Oh, you had a choice. You could have gotten your sh*t together and be responsible for once in your GODAMN life" I yell

He flinches at my outburst.


"Don't. I'm not going anywhere. You do not own me for me to be sold" I spit.

"Sweetie, you have to go. You're our only hope. If I don't repay him, he'll kill us. He'll kill us all"

I shake my head no.

"They'll kill you. You owe them money. Mum and I have nothing to do with this" I hiss.

He shakes his head no.

"That's not how it works, Marianna. They won't kill me. They'll take my most valuable possessions. Your mother and you"
He pleads

I roll my eyes.

"I'm not going anywhere, dad" I spit

He abruptly stands up and grabs onto my shoulder.

"Do it for your mother. Please. They'll kill her, Marianna. I've seen them do it before."

I push him off of me.

"Fine" I spit

"Thank-you. I swear...after this I'll really get my life toge_"

"Save me your BS. Just tell me how much time I have" I say

"A day"

"You can leave now" I snap


"Leave me alone"

He turns around and slowly makes his way to the bedroom door.

"Just know that I'm really sorry"

I scoff.

"Sorry for what? Ruining my life or for not being able to buy drugs anymore"

"Oh, wait. Who am I kidding? You're gonna sell the dog next, dad? Or will you sell the furniture? Or how about the whole freaking house while you're at it" I sarcastically remark.

He looks down.

"I know I messed up"

I nod.

"No sh*t"

"Could you just listen to me for one second?" he growls.

"Are you serious? You just destroyed my entire future. Depriving me of a normal life. I'll never graduate from high school, study in university, get my degree, become a psychologist, get married, have kids. None of that. Because you decided to be selfish and only think of yourself. Now I have to pay for your mistakes" I spit, tears stinging my eyes.

He slammed my bedroom door open and stormed out.

Wiping my tears off, I fall back onto my bed and stare up at the ceiling.


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