Fight Back, Pussy.

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its been over two weeks since I've been under house arrest, and i hated every second of it. I've never felt this bored in my life.

but i guess it was better then getting jumped by those four hefty bitches in juvie.

I'm getting homeschooled which was messed up, shouldn't it be enough punishment that im living with a cop. even though i hardly saw that old piece of shit. he comes home when I'm sleeping and leaves before i wake up the only time i see him is when i run into him at four in the morning in the kitchen

i walk downstairs and realised the door was half open, i squinted my eyes as i looked around seeing nobody. was this a set up? did they think i was going to fall for this, i heard a groan and turned my head to the side, my head tilts to the side to see the cop's son laying on the ground blood coming out of his nose and a busted lip.

I don't like him.

but i am curious.

"What happened to you?" i asked, stepping over his bruised body and kneeling down next to him.

"i think I'm dying" he shouts dramatically, i couldn't help but laugh.

"did you get hit by a car? bus? train?"

he used his elbow to sit up forward, and stares at me in disbelief. "No, your friends from school did this to me, they found out you're living here. they think we are abusing you"

i scoffed "Who did this?"

"Jackson and Anthony, the football team" he whined in pain tilting his head back, i could see he had a prominent jawline, and he was sort of built why couldn't he defend himself?

"Fight back, pussy."

he sat up straight a deep groan escaping his lips as he lifted his shirt up exposing his stomach, their was purple bruises like the ones i had a week ago i instantly remembered the pain and cringed closing my eyes. i touch the side of his stomach where the purple bruise formed and he hissed looking at me.

"I think you got some broken ribs, ill call your mom." i said standing up, he grabbed my wrist softly looking down at him he shook his head.

"i dont understand. you're hurt you need to go get checked up."

"She's working and i dont want my dad to know i got my ass kicked, what do you usually do when this happens."

"Are you just assuming I get beat up." I asked crossing my arms, he stared at me as I glared at him.

"No it's just you-"

"cry myself too sleep" i said shrugging, he let go of my wrist. i licked my bottom lip and rolled my eyes "I drink."

he laid back down on the ground his eyes closed, i felt guilt wash over me as i realised he got hurt because of me. "Ryan."

"You know my name" he smiled softly, his lip bleeding.

"I know you don't trust me but i want to help you, give me your phone and ill make this all go away." i said sitting on the ground and crossing my legs.

he moved his head to the side, i realised at this moment he wasn't wearing those huge glasses that covered his entire face, he was actually cute. his lips began to move and i snapped out of the daydream and looked away.

"My dad said under no circumstances that i should let you use any phone."

"Listen dude, do you want to keep coming home from school feeling like this or should i make one phone call and save your ass." i dug my hand in his jean pocket and took out his phone, he looked at me as if i just sexually assaulted him.

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