I hated being a trouble to Adrian.

As far as I knew, he seemed so kind and understanding but I couldn't rely on him all the time. We barely knew each other. And I wouldn't let myself trust anyone, especially someone like him.

As I stood wondering at the locker in the morning, someone greeted me;
"Bonjour, young lady, had a great sleep yesterday?"

Adrian's smart mouth teased me.

"Sure Monsieur, guess what?" I laughed trying to make him guilty, "Some angel must have felt sorry for me and even dropped me a blanket!"
Adrian smiled at me.

"Shall I escort you to your next class?" He asked me.

"That's not a good thing, though. What will others think? I mean they might get the wrong idea..."

"Let them get the wrong idea, then. I will love that too." He remarked.

"Smart boy, what would happen to your reputation if you went with a dork?"

I wanted to make him understand that I wanted some time alone.

"Okay. I'll meet you in the interval." He said, reluctantly.

I closed the locker and headed to leave.

"Serena, will you be thinking about me?" Adrian asking all of a sudden.

"No, I won't be thinking about you." I admitted and observed his spirits fall. And then I added swiftly;
"But I will be thinking about that angel, though. Goodbye,I'll see you around, Adrian."

"Goodbye Scarlett."

He winked at me.

Throughout the morning session, my mind kept thinking about Adrian. I wanted to be with him so badly. At the interval, I hurried to the cafeteria to meet him. When I was occupying a seat on an empty table with a hamburger in my plate, someone said;

It was Shane Ward.

"Hi, where've you been? I didn't see you all morning," I asked the boy who had been friends with me from the very first day.

"I was going to ask the same question... where were you all these days?" Shane growled.

"Sorry. I was in Los Angeles with my mom," I admitted.

"Why didn't you get mayonnaise on your hamburger? It's all freee!"

"Eww, I don't like that slimy taste." I exclaimed.

"Who dislikes what?" It was a creepy voice that belonged to the curly haired cupid angel Barry Steele.

Next to him was Adrian, his eyes fixed on mine. Then the two popular boys sat next to me and Shane. Shane looked spiteful and confused.

"Woah... what's up with people these days?" Shane grumbled as he took a bite of his mayonnaised hamburger. Eww.

"Hey dork. Adrian wanted to eat with you." Barry told Shane and Shane almost spilled.

"What?" He gasped. "But why?"

"He wants your girlfriend, dork."

I blushed.

"Excuse me, I thought I was blissfully single. Am I betrothed to someone?" Shane asked, sheepishly.

Barry ignored Shane and turned to face me.

"What's up with you two? Seriously man, you are freaking me out!" He complained.

Adrian shrugged.

"I have to go." I stood up.

Adrian stood up with me too.

"I have some work too. I have to go too."

"What? Where are you going?" Barry stood up too, clearly amused at the coincidence of our leaving.

I threw the leftovers into the bin and started to walk away.

Adrian grabbed my hand.

"Serena," he started, "Why are you ignoring me?"

I stared up at him. He truly looked sad.
Before I was able to speak someone pulled me off from the sleeve of my sweater. I was jerked back to the opposite direction.

"Bitch, who do you think you are?"

It was Ziara, the cheerleader who was a complete freak.

"Keep your asshole to yourself!" She shrieked again.

I didn't make a move.

But in the next split second, she did something very wrong.

She raised her filthy hand and slapped me.

"You deserve more you mannerless whore!" Ziara was lifting her hand once more but I did not want to be reminded a second time.

I grabbed her wrist.

"Why not find your asshole some bullshit?" I warned her. I squeezed her arm. She groaned in pain.

"Let go of me, you worthless-"

I thrust her backwards. With her high heels almost not touching the floor, she lost balance and landed on the ground. Her miniskirt went flying and her sexy lingerie was on exhibition.
Adrian stood still staring at me.

"Let's get the hell out of here." I said and strode away.

I heard Adrian following me.

When we were almost nearing to our classroom, I found Adrian blocking my way.

"Are you hulk's daughter?" He asked me. He looked thrilled at my strength, my bravery or whatever that was.

"Consider that as a yes, smart boy."

Adrian smirked, his blue eyes sparkling.

"Cool! Shall I pick you up after school?"

I thought for a moment.

"I have to go somewhere. So I'll probably get late."

"Okay. Don't jump into a pool again. I'll be expecting you."

We stood there. Marveling each other.

"Will you sleep with me, tonight?" He suddenly whispered to me. I was electrified. I wanted him so badly. The butterflies in my stomach were swirling around.

"I'll consider that too. Goodbye."

I went away before we did something entertaining for everyone. (That includes you too!!!🤣)

Hey my loves... are you loving the story? I want you to meet someone. Her name is The Little Star ⭐️
The little star speaks: hello there! I'm so lonely! I need a hug!!! Well you know I'm so little to be hugged. I might even get suffocated if you hug me. But please do tap your fingertip on me. I'm right below you!!!
Bows down. 🌟
Thank you for hugging the star ⭐️
Thank you for your encouraging comments...
Keep on reading...
I will update soon.🤩

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