"More like did you spy on me?" Jimin scoffs.

We quickly held hands and he plants a kiss on my cheek as I giggled. He opened the door, dragging me out of the house and we both head to Jin's car.

"Awww look at these couple outfits! I wish Joonie would do this with me." Jin heavily sighs as he sees our attire. He chuckles to himself after and told us to get in the car.

"where are we going? Is it going to be long? I have some stuff to study for my exam tomorrow." I said as the car starts to move.

"Don't worry Y/N. We are going somewhere super fun." Jin smiles.

I held on Jimin's arm tightly and looked over at him. He shrugs in response, not knowing where we were going either.

We were on the highway and net in the plains. I was getting more and more annoyed. The car finally stops and I asked Jin once again, "where are we?"

"Welcome to my penthouse in upstate." Jin shows us the view behind him and smiles. The eyes of Jimin and I widened as we looked at the sparkling sea.

"It's so beautiful." I jumped up and down as I slapped Jimin's chest.

"Just like you." Jimin holds on my arm and rubs it, bringing my body close to his.

I blushed and I buried my face in Jimin's chest. Jin clears his throat and he says, "I get it you love one another. But I'm waiting for my man to come out so please refrain yourselves for a little more."

"Where the rest of the guys?" Jimin asks, turning his head back to Jin.

"In the penthouse. Come on, let's go." Jin smiles as he leads us into the beautiful house besides the sea.

This house was much more smaller than their usual one but it has a good sense of coziness and homey, just the way I liked it.

The second we opened the door, the usual shrieks of the boys came through. They all smiled at us from the kitchen table greeting us with waves. We waved back and made our way to the boys.

"sweet place huh?" Hoseok asks me with arms spread open and giving a cocky smile.

"Yea." I chuckled as I turned my head looking around the place.

"It's much smaller but it gives a sense of being home." NamJoon chuckles. He motions Jin to go over to him and pats his thigh.

Jin casually strolls over there and sat on NamJoon's lap as NamJoon feeds him one of the strawberries he was eating.

They were honestly so damn adorable that it was making my heart flutter just by watching them.

"Let's get that barbecue going now that everyone is here!" Taehyung cheekily smiles at us.

We all headed to the back where the grill was and they brought out plates of raw meat and kabobs. My eyes lit up again on the sight of meat and I jumped around in excitement.

As everyone gets seated once again, I was on my phone. I was studying online using my phone since I'm not home to study from my laptop. I had sent the notes to myself from email so I wouldn't be wasting any time here either.

"I'm gonna go use the bathroom." I told Jimin as I stood up.

"I'll come with you." Jimin stands up after me.

"No it's fine. I'll find it on my own." I smiled.

"Are you sure?" He asks me looking a bit concerned.

"I'm not a kid. I got this." I chuckled.

"Okay if you say so. Don't be gone too long. I'd start to miss you." Jimin plants a kiss on my forehead and smiles at me.

I quickly nodded and took off back into the house. As I strolled around the second floor, looking for the bathroom I hear someone call my name.


I turned around but I saw no one around me. I furrowed my brows and I turned back around continuing my search for the bathroom.

"Y/N" I hear once again more clearly. It was a women's voice. Sweet and gentle. But since I couldn't find who it came from, it creeped me out a little.

I turned around once again, faced to faced with a pale figure. I would be scared but this women, she awfully looks familiar. Her soft round eyes, clear complexion, dark black long waves hanging down to her hips, her plump pink parted lips and her diamond like shaped face.

"My daughter." The women weakly smiles as she brought out her arms to me.

Just then the flashbacks.

"Listen to me Y/N. I will be back. Don't move until you hear my voice again. Mommy will be back for you I promise." Mom frantically tells me as she hid me in the sink cabinet.
I only sat there hugging my legs closely to my chest as I peered out the little cracks of the cabinet door.
Mommy and daddy was fighting again. And this time, daddy has a knife.
"James it's enough! Stop drinking! Stop it all! Stop harming my daughter!" My mommy yells.
"Your daughter?! She's MY daughter!" Daddy yells.
"You're scaring her! How are we going to explain the bruises you left on her arms?" Mommy starts to cry as she yelled at daddy.
"Enough!! I've heard enough!!!" Daddy raises his hand in the air with the knife thrusts it down onto my mommy's stomach.
Mommy clutches on her stomach, where her now white dress was soaked in red blood.
I held my hand over my mouth and silently cries.
Not before long, Daddy was gone from the house and the police were here.

"Mom?" I squeaked as I held my hand out, trembling.

The smile on her face grew larger and more sweeter. She motioned her hands telling me to go in for a hug. The tears started to roll down my cheeks and on my neck as I leaped over to her. The cold feeling hits me but I didn't care. It felt as if I'm hugging my mother.

"My darling. You've grown so beautifully now. Mother is so sorry. I couldn't raise you well or protected you." My Mom grieved.

"No mom its okay! I know you protected me that day." I cried.

"I'm aware life has been throwing a lot of barriers at you. You've overcame them all with bravery, that's such a honor to be your mother. I will look on for you from above, granting your every wish and making sure you live your life beautifully." My Mom pulls apart from me and she places a kiss on my forehead.

"Mom. When am I ever going to see you again?" I hiccuped.

"It's time for me to go. We will meet one day when the time has come. But for now, enjoy it all while you still have it my beautiful daughter." My Mom lifts from the floor and she floats in the air. Higher and higher. Until nothing was to be seen but the air mist.

I fell on my knees crying. The sobs only became more and more worse as time went on. I missed my mother terribly and I long to see her again.

I hear footsteps rapidly approaching me and I lived my head from my soaked palms to see Jimin. He sees me with a face full of tears and runs towards me.

"What's wrong Y/N?!" He asks worryingly.

I grabbed onto his arms and pulled myself on his as I cried louder into his chest. I smacked it a few times before lifting my head to say, "I saw my mom."

Who Are You Really? || p.j.m COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now