Chapter 19

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"Y-you.... you r-remember me?" Jimin asks with his eyes rounded and was super shocked.

"Yea..." I looked back gently and I held his arms even tighter.

"Y/N..." Jimin whispers as a tear rolls down his face. He embraces me with a tight hug and I hugged him back.

"I'm so sorry Jimin for every bad thing I've said to you in the past." I said as I dampened his hoodie with my tears.

"It's fine. I don't care about that. I'm just so damn happy you're back into my arms." Jimin whispers next to my ear.

I pulled away and I looked at him in the eyes. "But can you please explain to me what made me leave you back then? I keep getting flashbacks but none of them make any sense." I said.

Jimin lets go of me and then sighs.

"It's all because of Jaein." Jimin says.

"Who's that?" I questioned.

"She was the girl my mom thought would be a perfect match for me while we were together. She was the daughter of another successful company whom my parents wanted to cooperate with. So they decided to hook me and Jaein up." Jimin replied.

"What happened after?" I kept asking.

"She threatened me. If I don't go with her, she would hurt you." Jimin ducks his head down in shame.

"But then?" I interrogated.

"You got mad at me and left me. And that was the same day you left all of us. Jaein didn't keep her promise and hit you with her car as you ran from me that day in the rain." Jimin chokes on his words by his tears. He looked up at the ceiling of the train, trying his very best to stop the tears from falling.

"But I'm glad you're okay now, Y/N." Jimin smiles back down to me. He sniffs and wiped his tears away from his eyes with the back of his hand.

"Where's Jaein now?" I asked.

"I have no idea. And I also don't really want to know." Jimin says.

He puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me over to him. "Don't ever leave me again."

We got out of the train and slowly walked home. When we reached the park Taehyung had shown me, Jimin slowly slides his fingers intertwining mine. I looked up at him and he winked at me. I looked back down, blushing very hard. Now that I think of it... Jimin has always been there for me.

It makes sense now why the first time I met him, he told me that I should be happy to see him. He made efforts to get closer to me. He even stayed by my side the entire time I was in the hospital.

But he was handsome too now that I think of it. His plump, full lips, the soft gentle hair, beautiful dark brown eyes and his jawline was sharp as a knife.

Just by thinking of these things, my heart was pounding super fast that Jimin himself probably heard it.

"Did the boys know about us back then?" I asked.

"Of course! I introduced them to you back then." Jimin blushes.



Hold up.

Then who's JIN to me?

I let go of Jimin's hand and questioned myself.

Do I really like Jimin? There's still Jin and Taehyung.

"What's wrong?" Jimin asks as his hands slide up my arm, gripping my shoulders.

Who Are You Really? || p.j.m COMPLETEDUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum