Chapter 20

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-still author POV-

It was like a staring contest between Jimin and Taehyung from across the room.

"How long have you been there?" Jimin asked, fixating his gaze on the brown hair boy strongly.

"I just woke up." Taehyung replies as he ruffles his hair.

"Oh.. did we wake you up?" Y/N pouts.

"No. Not at all. Well I'm just going to go back up now. I thought someone broke in or something." Taehyung fake laughs, walking down the stairs.

"Okay." Jimin says as he looks away from Taehyung.

Taehyung slowly walks to the kitchen and pours himself a glass of water before going back to his room.

-your POV-

"Jimin........" I spoke once Taehyung was gone.

"Yea?" He replies looking at me.

"Uhm.... I think......" I started to look down at my knees.

What am I suppose to say? Obviously I like Jimin AND Taehyung at the same time! And I'm so confused on who Jin is. Everything was making my head hurt.

"Did Jin have a girlfriend in the past?" I asked suddenly.

"What? You like Jin hyung??????" Jimin asks while raising his voice.

I immediately shook my head no vigorously. "Of course not!" I yelled.

"Well then why do you ask?" He asks, lowering his voice back to normal.

"Because...... ever since I got closer to you guys, Jin seems like he was really close to me. I saw a heart on my name in his contacts, he just.... I thought...." I slowly stopped talking, interrupted by a laughing Jimin.

"What's so funny?" I shouted as I covered my face with my hands from embarrassment.

Jimin waves his hands at me indicating to come closer. I leaned in and he whispers to me, "Jin has a boyfriend."

It was like my whole world froze. I was super embarrassed at this point. So........ Jin was just nice to me all this time? Wait..... uhhhh. "B-boyfriend?" I stuttered.

Jimin nods as he continues laughing his ass off. He rolled off the couch and was curled up into a ball on the door, laughing even harder.

"W-who's his b-b-boyfriend?" I asked as I stuttered.

"NamJoon hyung!" Jimin replies.

A nervous smile creeps on my face and I laughed sarcastically. "Oh." I smiled.


I was mentally punching myself now. I was obviously overthinking all this time! How could I ugh! Now Jimin is probably going to think I'm some weirdo. How did I not know? I mean... they were always together.

"So about my question." Jimin returns to stability and asks.

I bit my lower lip and held my breath in. "If you can make me fall for you in one week, then my answer is yes."

"Deal!" Jimin snaps his fingers and gets up. He points at me sharply with his pointer finger and says, "I will make you mine! I will make you love me again!" Jimin shouts.

I could only giggle to his actions. He was so cute like that but I'm a bad human being. My heart was wandering too much. Is it going to be Taehyung or is it going to be Jimin?

That evening I was in my room studying for tomorrow's exam. Oh damn! How do I do this problem? I reread the passage about fifty times but I still couldn't get past question ninety four. I only have six more, come on. Concentrate and you'll get it, I repeated over and over again in my mind. Just then I yelled in agony and despair. I slammed my fists on the table and yelled once again. A little bit of me want to punch something but what would that do? It's not like my homework would all of the sudden, on its own complete itself. I need fresh air from this enclosed small room.

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