"Letters and Notes"

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"Letters and Notes"

If you took a stroll inside her mind,

You'd never find your way out.

For one, it's far too dark,

Especially once you get stuck in the labyrinth around her vulnerabilities.

She hides herself well,

All locked away,

Her happy thoughts usually filled with melodies and rhymes.

You'll never find her there though.

What I do to find the girl lost inside,

Is follow the sticky notes.

There will be doodles,



Negative words about herself,

And facts about her favorite people...

And when you get too close you'll hear someone humming.

You'll stumble across a closed door,

With light pouring through the crack at the bottom.

That's where she hides!

If you enter in there,

All that you will find,

Is a large library,

And letters and notes

Scattering the floors.

When you find her maybe she'll be reading,

Maybe she'll be singing,

Maybe she'll be writing loving letters,

Or maybe she'll be sleeping,

Among a few too many books and maybe a few photographs.

She has always had a dark mind,

Things always trapping her,

And making her lost...

But she has a sanctuary.

She goes in that room,

To keep herself warm inside,

To keep herself alive...

But what else is she to do?

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