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I've been caught up in a fantasy.

Chasing after the knight in shining armor,

Not realizing,

I wasn't the one who got the happy ending in

This fairy tale.

Now please don't get me wrong,

This poem?

It's not a complaint,

It's a warning.

I don't want you, my dear reader,

To feel the pain I have.

At least not on purpose.

Betrayal can hurt,

And it is sharper than any double-edged sword.

It can ruin a life,

Shatter somebody's heart,

And send someone's thoughts to making them do

Unforgivable things to themselves.

I hate that something as simple as love,

Can sting like this.

Johnny Cash said love would burn,

But I never thought it'd hurt this bad.

Just those three words are said too much,

But not enough.

They can save a life,

Or take one.

Do you know how bad it hurts?

How it burns when you do this?

If I wasn't in the situation I'm in,

I'd tell you to swear off love...

But I'm too afraid to give up something,

That I've been chasing all my life.

When you're refused love,

By a family member,

It makes my heart break,

And It aches,

Thinking of what I never was good enough to have.

Love has made me




And estàtic...

But it's also made me feel





And unfixable.

So here I stand,

Looking at this..


And I begin to wonder,

Why something that causes everyone so much pain,

Is something everyone chases.

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