He Loves Me, He Love Me Not

Start from the beginning

"If you start to feel something unusual or you feel like something more is wrong, feel free to give me a call or go to your nearby E.R."

Dr. Huffman got up and grabbed his coat and bag off the end of the bed.
Michael walked him to the bedroom door where he thanked him for coming and then let him out.

Marissa cuddled closer to me and Tito sat at the foot of the bed rubbing my leg.

"How do you really feel?" Tito asked.

"Never better!" I said, giving a weak smile.

"You sure did give us a scare!!" He chuckled. "I didn't even know there was a lake out there."

"Welp now you know." I replied, resting my head on Marissa's shoulder.

"Um...." Michael started. "Can we talk about what happened last night?"

"No." I answered, plainly. Not even making eye contact with him.

"Listen, I know you do-"

"Not now, Michael." Marissa interjected.

He sighed and sat down on the window sill.

The door opened and Janet walked in.

"Hey," she said walking toward me with a breakfast tray. "Made you some Chicken tortilla soup and a warm cup of apple cider....I know it's your favorite."

"I'm not hungry..."

"Please, you need to eat.." Janet pleaded.

"She's right, Kennedy, you need to eat. It'll help you regain your energy." Marissa said, taking the tray and slidding it across my lap.

I looked down at the soup and it looked a little appetizing so I began eating. Everyone around me was talking amongst each other, having good conversation, while Michael was still perched on the window sill staring into space.

I pushed the tray away and stared at Michael a little longer before saying,

"Let's talk."

He turned around and looked at everyone, then down at me.

"Get out."

Tito, Janet and Marissa looked at each other and then at Michael and I.

"Please.." I said softly, giving a reassuring, yet weary smile.

"Um okay!" Janet reached down and grabbed the tray and turned to leave the room.

Tito grabbed the paper off the nightstand that Dr. Huffman handed to Michael and said he was going to pick up my prescription and any other necessities I might need.

"Wanna come?" He asked Marissa.

"No. I'm not leaving her alone with him." She said, eyeing Michael.

"Okaaaaay, how about you wait outside until they're done talking?" Tito suggested.

"No." She replied, leaning back against the headboard.

"They need some pri-"

"I said No, so you can go ahead and go without me because I'm not leaving. He lost his privilege to "privacy" with her when he hit her."

Marissa was know glaring at Michael and I knew she wasn't going anywhere, so there was no point in me trying to intervene and convince her otherwise.

"Alright, suit yourself!" Tito said, slightly annoyed. He turned and walked out the room, shutting the door behind him.

"My brothers right, you need to go." Michael coolly answered.

"What did I just say?" She shot back.

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