"He wasn't there when we were woken up."

The world spins around me, and I feel like I am going to throw up. Someone calls my name from afar, but it's fuzzy, I cannot unscramble whose name it is. I look up at the burning tower, my heart sinking low.

Soon, McGonagall flew in, waving her wand in what looked like a much bigger spell than any of the other teachers, her mouth chanting the words quickly, rhythmically. Suddenly all the teachers backed away, and a huge bubble formed around the building. A grey shadow zoomed out of the fire, and everyone gasped. Their broom was on fire, whoever it was, and the body was slightly deformed, lumpy, as if two people were riding the broom, one of them a small child, clutching the driver.

"Hugo!" I gasp, running towards where the broom is spiraling to, falling slowly.

I can hear buzzing in my ears as I run. I have sub-concisely kicked off my shoes, but I can't get there fast enough, especially because of the long dress I'm wearing. My heart is thumping loudly in my ribcage, shivering with fear.

When I finally get there, it feels like I ran all the way from Hogwarts to Platform 9 3/4. Professor Longbottom is covered with soot, coughing, sprawled on the floor from the fall. A few meters away, another, smaller figure is spluttering noisily, and curled up, completely dark from the fire.

"Hugo? Hugo? Are you okay? Hugo?" I turn him over, taking his face in my hands and looking him straight in the eye. His eyes are closed. I can feel tears forming in my eyes and I start shaking hysterically. He cannot be dead. He can't.

"Hugo!" I'm practically screaming at him right now, eventhough I don't know if he can hear me.

"Rose, Rose calm down. Go!" Madame Pompfrey is ushering me away, and I'm practically sobbing. I don't know what I'm supposed to do, probably for the first time in my life.

I nearly had a heart attack right there and then, if it hadn't been for Madame Pomfrey who shooed us away saying he only needed some air.

Soon enough Albus was also there, taking my arm and guiding me towards the castle. I don't resist, I just let him drag me.

My heart beat has slowed down after at least half an hour, but I'm still a bit shaky. I mange to get myself together, and thank Proffessor Longbottom, whose already up and running, making sure everyone else is okay.

"He's going to be okay, Rosie." ALbus has been trying to soothe me since forever- he also tells me McGonagall managed to put the fire out my sucking the oxygen away from it, through that bubble thing she conjured. Even though, most of the building is unstable and destroyed.

We join the murmuring crowd of students. Professors are running around, counting people, making sure everything is okay. That's when people start gasping and pointing.

Above the destruction, lettering starts to form, glowing green amongst the grey of the smoke which still covers the sky.

Take this as a warning.....

We wait for more. For an explanation.

It never comes.

The message hangs in the air for everyone to read. After a while, it dissolves an disappears into the smoke.

Needless to say, I was not the only one who was chilled. I had lost Scorpius and Hugo was now with Madam Pomfrey. Albus had gone off somewhere and I stood alone amongst the others.

"I bet it was your new boyfriend." a voice whispers beside my ear. I keep myself from turning around and slapping him. I count to ten in my head before answering. He doesn't even notice my eyes are red. He probably doesn't even care at this point, because I'm probably a traitor in his eyes.

"James. Shut the bloody hell up because you obviously don't know what you are talking about." And with that I walked away. How could he be so inconsiderate? My brother was almost caught in a fire, and he doesn't give a damn.

"Oooh, you just got owned ,James." I hear Fred teasing him behind me. I know Scorpius couldn't have done it because he was beside me during the whole thing. Unless he has some sort of special duplicating power, it is impossible.

It is impossible.

What annoys me in this whole situation is that I cannot make sense of anything. The message they sent is probably meant for someone specific, because most of the students are confused- a warning to what?

That there might be more coming?

McGonagall seems distressed as she ushers people back to their common rooms. I walk slowly towards the doors. The cold outside is finally getting to me, and the wind is causing goosebumps to form all over my exposed skin.

I do not see Scorpius- and maybe that's for the best, so I could think a little.And he would proably inquire why my eyes were red and puffy. Obviously I wasn't considering what James said. I trusted Scorpius. He was my friend. My boy-friend?

I start to puzzle over my relation ship with Scorpius as I sit down in front of the fire in the Gryffindor common room. I should've talked to him before leaving, shouldn't I? Then my mind turns back to Hugo and I feel like I am going to explode.

Albus sits down beside me along with Bex, tugging off the tie boys were forced to wear. He's smirking a bit, reminding me of James. I shake my head, sorting my thoughts and clearing my mind.

I am leaning back against the chair I was sitting on and staring at the empty fire place. It reminded me of the time Uncle George told us he and Fred almost set the Burrow on fire- they were apparently testing out new fireworks for their store and it didn't go to well. Now their fireworks come with a warning sign.

"Do you think we'll go home early?" He's trying to change the subject. Thank Merlin.

"Probably," I answer. Christmas at the Burrow. With James. I keep myself from groaning and pull my legs up onto the chair I am sitting on. "How's Hugo though? Is he all right?"

I shrug half-heartedly. I'm trying to relax, and thinking about my little brother in the infirmary room, passed out cold doesn't really help- it brings back that feeling on anxiety, like I'm going to vomit, and my heart pounding in my rib cage as if it might explode. I've come to find out I am not very fond of the feeling.

"I- I don't know."

"Bloody hell." Bex mutters, leaning against my legs and letting out a long sigh. Albus looks concerned but doesn't say anything. Eventually we all call it a night and go upstairs to our dorms.

I don't manage to sleep a blink. I keep rolling over everything which has happened, and consider going to visit Hugo at least five times, twice making it to the common room but coming back. I'll have to wait until morning to figure everything out.


So I don't know what to think of this chapter but here it is. I spent days writing it because I lost it then delted it ect. So i hope you like it. <3

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