Chapter 47 - Devise A Plan

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I sit on my couch with a glass of wine in my hand, twirling the contents inside absentmindedly as I watch the fish in my tank. I glance at the clock, it's only three but it feels like I've been sitting here for days.

After Austins confession to me I skipped the rest of my classes and came home, I was in no mood to try and sit through lectures pretending to pay attention when I know damn well I wouldn't.

I hear the front door unlock and Aimee comes walking in like she lives here, which lets be honest she basically does. She shrugs her backpack off her shoulder and unzips it, tossing a calculus book onto the table. I groan and pinch the bridge of my nose, I had completely forgot about meeting her after school.

"There I was, standing all alone in the parking lot waiting for Riley to show up when she never does!" Aimee says dramatically as she helps herself to a coke from the fridge. "You were supposed to fill me in on what happened with Austin, and we were supposed to pretend to do homework while we gossiped about it."

She sat down beside me on the couch, placing her can on the coffee table in front of us. I brought her up to speed on what happened after she left, her mouth gaping open by the time I was done.

"You're fucking with me, right? You're telling me that we've been sitting here, assuming Kane is the murderer for the recent incidents. When he was accused of murder several years ago also?"

My eyes widen, I was so focused on Austin and Valerie I never even thought about what this had to do with Kane. I felt so stupid I didn't see it earlier.

"Holy crap you're right. We have to prove it, if we can catch him now Valerie won't have anything to hang over Austins head anymore."

"When is Taylor supposed to be off work?" She asks as she looks at the clock.

"It's three thirty now, her shift isn't over until five so she won't be home until about five thirty. But there's no way I'm doing homework." I click the TV on and switch inputs to my xbox.

"Wanna play until she gets home?"


Taylor walked in as I beat Aimee's ass in a race, again. She threw her hands in the air as her car spun around in the street and mine whizzed past hers and across the finish line.

"You cheated!"

"I did not, you sore loser!"

I saw Taylor roll her eyes playfully at our banter as she goes into her room to change out of her uniform, a few minutes later she comes back in and Aimee and I are sitting there waiting. Taylor pauses for a second, hairbrush frozen mid way down her hair as she looks between the two of us.


"Austin is only married because his wife is blackmailing him into staying with her, if he leaves Kane will be arrested for murder." Aimee says nonchalantly with a shoulder shrug, Taylor cocks her head confused so we elaborate. Once we're done with the story Taylor has the same reaction as Aimee did a few hours ago.

"Wow, so we were right about Kane?" Taylor asks and Aimee nods enthusiastically.

"So we need to follow him again, get some evidence, and get this to the police. It could all be over."

"The only way I'm going to get my boyfriends divorce is if we throw his little brother in jail, this doesn't sound promising for me." I say skeptically, looking at the other two. I throw myself back onto the couch dramatically and stare at the ceiling.

At that moment my phone buzzes, I swipe the screen and bring up my texts and I have one unread from Austin. I read over it and sit up on the couch.

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