Chapter 1 - Introductions

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"A man that studieth revenge keeps his own wounds green" - Francis Bacon.

I've never been much of a philosopher buff, but this quote has stuck with me through the years. It means if you hang onto revenge, you'll never heal. You'll always have that hatred deep in your soul. Whatever you're obsessing over will consume you. You'll become someone others won't recognize.

I was about to find out first hand how true this was.


This isn't happening to me.

I'm repeating this sentence in my mind as I run. The woods are dark and the frigid rain is pelting my face as I propel myself forward. I can hear the sounds of a motor behind me and I don't dare look back and risk tripping.

My heart is beating through my chest and my breathing is becoming rapid, I try to control my panic but with the sense of being hunted I can't. Water is rushing down my face and I can't tell if its tears or rain, I can feel my body getting exhausted as I involuntarily slow down. My lungs feel as if they're collapsing; my throat is raw from the cold air and my breath comes out in clouds.

I haven't been on this trail since I got here which leaves me at a disadvantage. Rocks and roots litter the trail that I can't see until a flash of lightning ignites the sky and gives me brief visibility. Through the sound of the wind and rain, thunder rolls; and it sends an ominous vibe through me.

I emerge from the trees into a clearing by the lighthouse. I falter for a moment, this wasnt the direction I thought I had been going, but with the sounds of someone behind me I change my plan. I hastily run through the dying grass and swerve between the large rocks at the base, hoping to lose the person behind me. My plan is to make a slingshot around the concrete pad through the boulders and sneak around the other side. As I think I'm in the clear, a body hurls into mine knocking me off my feet. I tumble to the wet ground and skid through the mud towards the edge of the cliff.

I skid to a stop and rocks fly over the rim, I hastily jump to my feet and stare down into the darkness over the ledge, the wind is behind me and it fells like it's trying to push me over. I hear a chuckle coming from somewhere behind me and I spin around looking through the darkness.

The motor noise had ended and my pursuer was on foot. The chuckling sounds like it's coming from all around me, the wind picking up the sound and carrying it making it hard to pinpoint its location.

"I really hoped it wouldn't have come to this Riley." The voice says, closer somewhere to my left.

"This whole time it's been you, I was following the wrong person..." I whisper to myself with uncertainty. I can't believe I never saw it before today, I feel naïve. I choke on my words realizing I'm trapped; I have nowhere to run to. My heels are at the edge of the cliff and I try not to look over my shoulder, I can sense the height I'm at and it makes me feel sick.

"You're a clever girl, Riley. But, not clever enough to know how to mind your own." The voice is condescending, and it's inching closer.

"I am deeply sorry, I liked you. However, you're the only one who knows about me now, my intentions, and I still have unfinished business I need to take care of. You're in my way..."

"NOOO!" I scream as a cold hand grabs my wrist.


5 months previous:

Riley POV

My fingers glide along the leather as I adjust my hands on the reins. As I do, I squeeze my legs in unison and the horse beneath me lunges forward into a collected canter. We make our way down the arena fence, the early morning fog parting and swirling around us. I can feel the pull of my muscles in my legs and lower abdominals as I rock with the movement.

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