Chapter 20: Hospital Bed

Start from the beginning

"What are you doing?" A nurse came in to check. Astrid's neck snapped towards the door I began to change quickly. They were right..... My hand is pretty messed up right now. I caught my breath for a second. I opened the window as the nurse was being pushed back by Astrid. I started charging up and shot out of the small window.


Astmeld. A loud city full of impatience and smog. The loud city where I learned to love and protect. It was my city.

Now it's a ghost town. The occasional tanks and jet's pass by in hopes of fighting that monster. It's quiet. I can only hear the silent ring in my ears.

I stopped on Kingsley tower in hopes of locating the monster and or Venus. I was surprised this building was still standing....I felt the ground shaking. I grabbed onto something so I don't loose my balance.

The monster was slowly sliding down 82nd street screeching and hollering. How much of this sludge did Airias have...

A tank stopped underneath the building and started to fire at the monster. As the missiles hit, the monster's body hollowed then went back into full size.

I turn my head at the sound of a small primal scream. The monster suddenly had waves of purple coming from the front. It fell backwards and it's front side harded.

Four more attacks like that happened in different areas but at the same time. The monster eventually hardened in those areas. It curled into a ball and shot the hardened pieces outwards towards buildings. I dropped low hoping I didn't get hit.

The monster was hit with the same purple glow attack. But this time it retreated into the drainage.

"Fuck!" Someone snapped landing behind me.

Venus. I got up and she pointed her finger towards me. Her costume was torn up and her face was scarred. "Zach.. you're awake?" She asked in shocked."

"What happened to you? To the city?"

She examined her state and sat down. "3 days straight I've been fighting this thing. It used to be as tall as this tower. So I guess it's progress." She sighed laying down.

"You shouldn't do that to yourself....." I said sitting next to her.

"Someone has to do it." She curled up next me. "I genuinely thought you died."

"It takes more than a blast to kill me." I said petting her.

"Not even Eneas knows what happened. Maybe it was your powers returning back to you."

I sighed. "After all of this... what are we going to do?" I muttered.

"I plan on graduating high school and learn about space." She said.

"Working for NASA?" I laughed. "You know how hard-"

"Eneas wants us to go into space and find new holders for the crystals and protect the galaxy."


"It's like guardians of the galaxy and I already said yes...."

"You said- what about everyone here on Earth?"

"My family could always be visited. But it's my duty as a Wielder to protect everyone and thing I can. We were chosen for this path."

"But Venus you-"

"Irene plans on going too....."

"When did you.."

"Think about coming with us. We have the strongest power in the galaxy. Earth is only endangered when we are here." She said.

"That's not-"

"Airias only came and hurt Astmeld because we both lived here. That's the ONLY reason. Now she's dead and her monster is resting in the sewers. People will hunt us down. We can hold down the fort for 2 more years. But after that I'm not going to cause anymore pain and destruction." She said.


"Look around Zach. This is because we thought killing an evil alien was right without consequences. Your sister was hurt. Alena and Richie's bodies were taken advantage of. I'm leaving after I graduate whether you like it or not. I already talked to my friends and family. They hate it but they understand..... I'll miss them but I have to fulfill my destiny."

"Venus I-"

"Just think about it. We can ALWAYS visit. But without us. Earth wouldn't be attacked by the alien races that we know nothing about." She sat up and brushed off the dirt. "Just think about it" She started hopping away. I sat there in shock and bewilderment. Watching the tanks follow behind her.

"What the fuck just happened?"

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