Why? I kept asking myself.

Finally, the cloth rope was made. Adrian threw me the cloth so that I could tie it to the pillar of the balcony.

"Are you sure this won't break?" I texted him again.

"I don't know. I've only seen this in movies."

He smiled with me. Even in the pitch black darkness, his smile was making me dazzled and happy.

Then he was climbing the clothe rope. I held onto it so tight. At instances, the poor cloth freaked out, crying out that it couldn't take any more of the pain of being torn. But I held onto it. I didn't want Adrian to fall.

It was a 10 feet fall. So if he fell, he might end up cracking his backbone. I was so anxious for him.

Clinging onto the feeble rope, I could quite see his face. He was looking at me, he was looking at me as if he didn't know where he was or what he was doing.

As for me, I felt overwhelmed. I felt honored.

I felt as if I had company.

Adrian was finally at the edge of the rope. In seconds I found him in the balcony beside me, panting.

Our faces were inches apart and I found myself trying to hold back my tears.

"Hey, I came to you. What's wrong?" He was asking me, his hands all over my shoulders.

"I can't do this anymore." I said, crying so hard.

Suddenly, Adrian was hugging me. It was so unexpected that I was caught off guard. His warmth was conquering my walls, my protective shield. I wanted to break apart from his embrace, I wanted to tell him that I didn't need him.
But I was not a good liar.

I needed him.

Right now. I needed him the most.

What is happening to me? Oh God.

"Hush, don't cry Serena," he caressed me, "I'm here. Everything is okay."

I cried hard. I let everything melt.

It was so nice to have somebody hug you. It was so nice to have someone you barely knew hug you. It was so comfortable to realize that they hug you for who you are and not what you used to be.

And for a moment, I was happy.

"I'm sorry for causing all this trouble," I apologized.

"Don't say sorry. What made you so sad, Scarlett?" He was asking, his eyes distracting me from the present.

I didn't care at being called Scarlett. I was even starting to like that name.

"It's Gemma." I said, "she's leaving me tomorrow. She wants to get rid of me."

"I'm so sorry, Scarlett. I'm so sorry to hear that." He was embracing me again.

"Don't cry baby. It's gonna be alright." He patted my back.
I felt pitied.

"Adrian," I whispered his name out aloud.


"I want to forget all this." I said.

His stare had me pinned to the wall. His face showed passion, desire and even wanting. His blue eyes were a darker blue; a hue that I couldn't quite demonstrate. His masculine perfection had me started. I could even feel his erection going up for me.

"Help me forget, Adrian. I need to forget." I said, every word passing my tongue mesmerizingly.

I was drowning in his deep waters. His blueness was gulping me down. Every cell of my body wanted him, begged for him, waited for him to make a move. I could feel us drowning, together.

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