The Door

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I just got out of bed, hair disheveled, shirt buttons popped open and a rancid smell forming from my body. The alarm clock read 11:30 am and I knew I had to hurry. I quickly showered and threw on my business suit before heading downstairs. I skipped breakfast and grabbed some pre-made coffee instead. Walking into my living room, I opened the door.

I wake up in my bed, my hair looks like a bird nested in it, my shirt looks like its been attacked, and a horrible smell wafted from my body to my nostrils. The clock read 11:30 and I knew I was going to be late again. I got out of bed, and showered before going downstairs. Grabbing some coffee, I opened the door.

I wake up in bed with the covers halfway on my body, my hair looks like a train wreck, my shirt is undone, and I stink. Really bad. I can't help but feel as if this moment has happened before as I stare at my clock to see that its 11:30 am and I'm late for work. I shower and grab my coffee and open the door.

I wake up in bed once again and déjà vû sweeps over me at an alarming rate. My hair is a mess, my shirt is crumpled, and I have an odor. The clock screamed 11:30 am and I knew I was late for work. As I put my suit on after my shower, I can't help but feel like I've done this before. I grab my coffee and open the door.

I'm back in freaking bed and now I know something is up. My hair is atrocious, my shirt is horrendous, and the smell coming from my body doesn't smell too pleasant. Next thing I know, I'm grabbing my coffee and I open the door.

I'm back in bed and frustration overwhelms me. This had got to be some kind of joke. I completely ignore my hair, shirt, and smell because i already know how it is. I look at the clock and see that I'm late for work. I took a shower like I had all the previous times and pulled on a suit. I convinced myself that this had to be a dream. Or a joke of some sort. I grabbed my coffee and opened the door.

I woke up in bed again and this time I didn't look at me appearance, I didn't shower of get dressed I just dashed down the stairs and opened the door.

I woke up in bed once again for who knows how many times. I know now that this isn't a dream and if its a joke, its a damn good one because I sure as hell can't figure it out. I rush downstairs


I open the door.

And wake up in bed.

I open the door.

And take in my appearance

I open the d o o r.

I wake up, back in bed again with the same ratty hair, disheveled shirt and rank smell. Frustration turned into madness as my mind tried to comprehend this but it failed to find a logical explanation. Determination shot through my body as I glanced at the clock. This time was going to be different. I took a shower and dressed in a suit before heading downstairs and grabbing my coffee.

I open the door.

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