I: [laughs] Thats amazing. What did your friend say?

NB: They were really supportive, didn't know what the fu— sorry wait, can i swear? yeah? okay— fuck was going on because i just got off the phone balling my eyes out [laughs] but they were so supportive, i told my family all in one big group chat we have. it was surreal.

I: Then what did you do? After that? Go out and celebrate?

NB: ...We carried on watching Spiderman and then the special features bit.... [crowd laughs, aww's] .... Listen to them aww'ing me! Don't show me pity! I'm a human! [laughs]

I: It must be insane being the age you are and how— honestly— you're quite lowkey in the industry, and then suddenly you're the face of a massive company like Dior. How do you feel about what you've achieved in the past couple months?

NB: Well i honestly don't know how i landed the Dior campaign. I was genuinely so shocked because i am a nobody. i got scouted randomly when i was sixteen-ish and hadn't really done anything big, i don't have the biggest following and i'm no Bella Hadid who gets stalkers and paparazzi'ed all the time. I guess i'm quite lucky in that aspect. I'm overwhelmed by the people who support me and send me messages daily saying how much they value me. Its crazy because I don't think i'm anything special so it shocks and greatly overwhelms me that i'm classed as a role-model or inspire people.

I: How do you feel about being called a role-model? Or people telling you that you inspire them?

NB: I genuinely don't think i'm a role-model of any sort. I feel like i shouldn't take that title because theres so many more people out their that deserve the title. Like i'm not even trying to be humble, this is genuinely how i feel upon the title. It flatters me greatly but also confuses me because i see somebody as Malala as a role-model, not someone like me. — I mean i know Malala and i are complete polar opposites so — Michelle is telling me to stop speaking so i will— [laughs, crowd & interviewer laughs] alright okay— anyway.


I: Right, now for some audience questions.

AUD: Hi Natalia. I was just wondering what your favourite movie is at the moment and why?

NB: Oh gosh, i have so many! At the moment I'd probably say Lady Bird. [crowd cheers] ["bit bias!" from the crowd, natalia hears and laughs] I love the whole concept of the movie, i think Gretta Gerwig did an outstanding job and i've loved Soairse since The Lovely Bones so i was so excited to see her in Lady Bird. I'm also loved that new movie Get Out! Oh my god.

I: And its up for an Oscar too! so amazing

NB: No way? Really?! I haven't heard anything of the Oscars yet i need to research after this.

I: So you weren't aware of Timothée Chalamet and Call Me By Your Name being up for one?

NB: [freezes] I am now.

AUD: Hi! I just wanted to say i love you so much. I wanted to ask about how to deal with heartbreak?

NB: Heartbreak is different for us all i think. I got told by a friend of mine that you need to allow yourself to suffer during the time. its more healthy to feel the emotions instead of trying to disregard them. Any type of Heartbreak shapes us as people and helps us grow.

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