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1.2k likes | 99 comments
big bootie queen

username: ur a cutie

username: what do you think on timothée lying about woody allen?

gabbybrooks: pls let me borrow these booties
nabrooks: whats mine is urs <3
lilianjones: she only says that bc she takes ur shit w out asking
natbrooks: uhh,, excuse me lilian, whose side are you on?

username: thoughts on woody allen drama?

username: youre amazing


natbrooks: @@ Paris people, i'm apparently doing a q&a in the Lourve for the dior campaign. it'll be at 3pm be there or b square !!!!!!
757 retweets | 1.2 likes | 240 replies

natbrooks: oh shit yeah so it think its the 24th? 25th? oh fuck
757 retweets | 1.2k likes | 240 replies

natbrooks: just spoke to my manger, aka the woman thats suppose to help me in times like these, its 24th
757 retweets | 1.2k likes | 240 replies

natbrooks: holy fuck thats like next week wow thanks for the short notice guys
757 retweets | 1.2k likes | 240 replies

natbrooks: anyone else surprised that i'm still allowed twitter and my agency hasn't told me to delete it yet?
757 retweets | 1.2k likes | 240 replies

username: lmaooooo

username: we support a legend

username: i CANT WAIT

username: timothee chalamet is CANCELLED. after the woody allen stuff
username: right?!?! she should cancel him too, i have no respect for her if she still hangs out with him
username: i second that^^^ hes cancelled

natbrooks: can fake woke twitter stop cancelling every celebrity ever
757 retweets | 1.2k likes | 240 replies
[tweet deleted]

natbrooks: just because you follow them on ig/twitter doesn't mean you know everything in their lives. don't start talking about something before you know the 100% truth & the ins and outs
757 retweets | 1.2k likes | 240 replies
[tweet deleted]

natbrooks: just saying :)
757 retweets | 1.2k likes | 240 replies
[tweet deleted]

natbrooks: ok i jinxed myself. sorry Michelle love u Michelle
757 retweets | 1.2k likes | 240 replies
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lol ur tweets

michelle got me to delete
them straight away lmao
she doesn't get angry at me
she just babies me and she
gave me a 15 minute speech on
why i shouldnt do something
like that blah blah blah
i feel bad but its true 🤷🏼‍♀️

thank you
bc you were defending me
i guess

timmy . i literally
swoon when u breathe.
i cry when u blink. why
wouldnt i defend u

you're a crazy bitch

thats why i love u
this is why i like u, lia

so u should like me

ok so pls hear me out. idk if its too soon for them to say i love u i feel like it is but i also feel like they have such a strong bond and like just automatically clicked that it doesnt matter and makes sense???
it's january atm in this story (up to date w irl time lmao) i'm so bad w time frames i just write shite and hope for the best

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