*Chapter 11: Haruka

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Mitsuo's POV


mitsuo woke up from his slumber. He opened his eyes and was tying to get the blurry version out his eyes.

When his version cleared he saw he was in a clean cage that actually had proper food and water.

He was shocked. Wasn't this ment to be those pounds?

It was colorful even and had other animals roaming around. He was in a cage doh but it wasn't locked up for some reason?

"Oh lookie here someones awake!!" A small little Shibu Inu was looking at Mitsuo excitedly. The small dog turned around and started barking.

"AUNNNNT LOOK LOOK HIS AWAKE CAN I PLAY WITH HIM!!!" She said and when she saw a person the small female dog started running to the person that was caught in some excitement barks.

"Just now Haruka he needs to still recover from my quirk" a young female with long dark brown hair flowing every step she took. Bright hazel eyes and a perfect smile with her pretty face.

All the kittens and puppies and other ages of animals were so glad to see the lady come into the view.

She crouched down to their levels and the many creatures started greeting the young female.

"Hello Aunty Maya!!!" Every small creature said to her. She gave a gentle smile to all.

"Hello friends did you greet our new visitor over there" The female said pointing at Mitsuo. The big and small animals started to crowd Mitsuo.

Mitsuo was just so confuse on what was happening.

The lady can understand then?!

"S-stay back I-i know ninja stuff!! My owner taught me!!!" Mitsuo said ready to pounce any second.

Maya came closer to Mitsuo and started to giggle.

"I-ITS NOT FUNNY!!" Mitsuo started to growl.

"My my it's ok fella I'm Maya and we rescued you! welcome to Tiny Friends Shelters!"

All the animals started to bark or meow and many more animal sounds echoed through the room.

"Y-you can understand me?" Mitsuo asked walking closer to Maya.

Maya nodded.

"Yep I got an animal quirk! I'm able to communicate and manipulate animals. That's why I had that smoke like quirk also Little one" She said to Mitsuo petting his head.

Mitsuo grew already close to this young female.

"I see you have a coller. What's your name?"

"My name is Mitsuo I come from Musutafu! Near that uhh something Hero school.." he said looking around the other eyes looking at him.

"Oh my you mean UA? Does your owner go there?" Maya asked crossing her legs.

"Aunty I've heard that one class got attack by villains!!" Haruka said sitting next to Maya.

"Yes yes it was on the news recently! Class 1-A Haruka!!" Maya explained and Mitsuo barked in agreement. Getting exited he stared wagging his own tail.

"Yes my owner is there also!!!!" He said cheerfully and the creatures oooed

"What's her name?"

"(Y/n) (L/n)!!!" Mitsuo said.
Maya's eyes widened.

"As in the the daughter of the retired pro hero  Iron Metal!!!" Maya exclaimed making Mitsuo confuse.

"Pro hero?" Mitsuo said in confusion.
Maya then thought that animals don't really taken in pro hero's.

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