*Chapter 10: Mitsuo

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Hi! For all new readers, this is an ARC of your dog mitsuo, this still follows the timeline of this story but this is his POV when he runs away from home.
You may skip it if you find this arc irrelevant, so to warn you that the chapter will have Mitsuo's POV there will be a star and "MITSUO POV" to tell you that you will be reading his ARC. Please enjoy!


~few hours ago~

Mitsuo POV

"Alright mr, (y/n) is at school so no more running away this time. Let's go put you in the cage."

Your mother said as she was at home. It was 8 am and she was getting ready for her work but first thought to put Mitsuo in the special cage that honestly had luxury items inside.
She picked up the now small heavy dog into the cage and closer the front.

Mitsuo frowned and whined.

Your mother sighed and bent down at the cage level.

"Look buddy I know you hate it but you are naughty and need a time out from the times you ran away." She said looking at the sad puppy. She checked one more time if Mitsuo had enough food and water for the day.

She got up and got ready to go to work.

"No funny business Mitsuo" She said and the door finally locked.

Mitsuo was walking around in circles.

He needed a way to get out the cage to go to his precious (y/n).

He looked at the cages opening.
There was a sliding lock. He just needed to find a way to push it to the other side to make the gate open.

Since he still has tiny paws he used his paws to push it. Many tries were attempted. Pushing his par out the square opening he was able to grab the small hook finally making the gate open.

Victory! Mitsuo walked out the cage looking around for an escape out the house next. Step 1 done. Next step. Find a way to leave the household.

He ran up the stairs tripping on the way cause of his stubby legs.
He went in his owners room. Looking around he saw the window with a handle at the top of the drawer.

If he could make the jump from the bed to the washing basket that had cloths till the top he will be able to get onto the drawer and opening the window and escaping.

Mitsuo had a few struggles getting on the bed but managed at the end.
He looked at the washing basket.

He backed up a by making it easier for a fast run and jump. He eyed the basket.

He starts to sprint as fast as he could. He then takes the biggest jump ever and actually lands on the basket. Almost falling he was able to stay still. He stood up and looked at his destination.

he was able to make a small jump onto the drawers. He reached the window seal and thinking a way to open this thing.

Since the window had those small handles to push up he used his nose to push the window up. When he looked down the drop was to high. He whined as he cant belive this had to be in the way.

He snorted and turned around and jump of the drawer landing onto the ground making a thump. He needed another way where it won't kill him.

The downstairs bathroom had the same window!!! He then bolted down the stairs and went in the bathroom which luckily the door was open.

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