IRONHEART: The Primal Deception

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Other Books by Dakota Kemp

The Arrival

The Shrike Chronicles: Goddess

This book is dedicated to the Sentinels in my life.

Dad, Kaleb – the world could not ask for better protectors.


Freedom's gaze was unwavering.

Something was dreadfully wrong.

The Celestial Realm was a place of light and music and beauty. Shining spires, columns, and statues glittered in a constant golden light. No sun sent its glaring rays down upon the white stone and hardened glass structures. The light simply was. Its brilliant illumination permeated the air and filled all space. Shadows did not blight the faultless buildings and landscapes with imperfection. Freedom had almost forgotten what it was like to bask in the radiant glow. Now that she had returned, the hypocrisy was enough to make her sick. This wondrous place held no charms for her now. It all reeked of Tyranny.

Freedom's hands hardened into enraged fists.

The prisoners trudged down the diamond-pressed streets below, heads down, shoulders cringed, as if expecting a heavy stroke to descend upon their backs. In all likelihood, that blow would fall shortly. Order was not merciful to criminals, and Tyranny...

This was likely the first any of the prisoners had seen of the Celestial Realm. Myrmidons were rarely admitted, and these petty thieves and gangsters were not the sort to make such a prestigious list. This was the home of the Primals; it was not meant for humanity. Or, such is what traditional Primal logic would hold, even before the rise of Tyranny and his ilk.

Some of Tyranny's Primals surrounded the Myrmidons, escorting them to their deaths at the Court of Law. She would need to act soon to prevent the procession moving farther into the city.

Freedom's eyes examined the Primal guards. She recognized Rage's black and red slashed armor immediately and grimaced. He would make her task much more difficult, as would Villain, who brought up the rear. Odium, Spite, and Bondage also accompanied the march, but she was not troubled by their presence.

Movement to the left caught her attention, and she glimpsed Sentinel sliding behind a spire across the street, six stories up. His rectangular shield and long, leaf-bladed spear were already in his hands. A glance toward the flat-topped building to her right revealed Valkyrie crawling into position as well.

All was ready.

Freedom summoned her weapon, feeling the familiar weight of her sword drop into her hand as she stepped into the street. She grasped the hilt and swung the double-edged blade into a two-handed grip. Three feet of Celestial Steel gleamed like a bonfire in the Realm's bright glow. Valkyrie responded to the signal just as the guards whirled toward the blinding light. Rage's visage twisted, and Spite's eyes widened just before an ear-splitting BOOM split the air. Spite took Valkyrie's bullet in the back, and he stumbled, collapsing to a knee.

Freedom's wings burst from her back. Shimmering splayed lines of light spread behind her in a radiant azure wingspan. Sentinel dove from above on emerald wings, spear couched like a jousting lance. Justice and Hero roared into the street from her right and left. The latter flew directly for Villain, whose face twisted into a snarling rictus.

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