After the yacht had taken off, Rey headed back to the swamp. She could sense being watched as she approached the Falcon.

"I know you're there Luke." Rey said, moving to sit down on a log at the campfire.

Luke appeared before her.

"Rey." He said, a nod to his head.

"Come to yell at me again?" She asked.

"Apologize he has come to." Said Yoda, emerging next to Luke. Rey nearly fell of the log. Yoda laughed.

"I can handle myself, Master." Luke told Yoda.

"Believe it when I see it, will I." Yoda said. Luke sighed.

"I'm sorry for upsetting you yesterday." Luke apologized begrudgingly. "I am here to guide you on your journey, not cause conflict."

"These are your first steps, Rey." Obi-Wan said as he came into sight, giving her a small smile.

"Maker, how many of you are there?" Rey said, her mind swimming with questions.

"Four." Anakin said, the last of the ghosts to appear. Rey stared at Anakin in wonder. He had Ben's hair. Anakin gave her a sly smile, one she was quite familiar with already. Rey could feel her cheeks warm.

"We offer our guidance as the last of the Jedi." Obi-Wan said.

"I've heard you before." Rey told him. Obi-Wan looked pleased.

"Yes, Rey. It is the Force, calling us to you." He said.

"What for?"

"You need to complete your training." Luke said.

"But I've read the books." Rey said. "I don't think I'm cut out to be a Jedi."

"See? Read the books she did." Yoda said pointedly to Luke.

"They're not exactly page turners." Rey said.

"Like her I do." Yoda whispered to Luke. Rey blushed.

"We aren't asking you to become a Jedi." Anakin said.

"You need to learn the Force in order to truly understand what it is asking of you." Obi-Wan finished.

Rey thought about it for a little bit.

"Okay. So what do I need to do?"

"First off.... You need a teacher." Luke said.

"Oh." Rey said. She let his words sink in. "OH." She repeated. "Is this really what the Force wants me to do?"

"The forces of destiny it is." Yoda told her.

"Why can't you be my teachers?" Rey asked.

"You will understand in time." Obi-Wan said. She sighed.

"All right." She said, standing up. "Um.... Thanks for the talk?" She said, unsure of how to bade the ghosts goodbye. Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Yoda nodded to her, Luke just stood there silent. Rey went up the ramp to the Falcon, shutting it behind her.

"I like her too." Anakin said to the others.

"Of course you would." Luke said to his father.

"She is his only hope of great-grandchildren." Obi-Wan pointed out.

"I'm not listening to you." Luke said, placing hands over his ears before they all faded out.


Rey greeted Chewie as she entered the cockpit of the Falcon. The Porgs chirped at her, following her as she went to the kitchenette. She gave them some berries leftover from the basket Rose had brought. They gobbled them up, some fighting over the fruit.

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