Chapter 1

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"Sit down Avalon!" Marc yelled to me as he sat me forcefully down in the principals office. I grumbled underneath my breath as I rolled my eyes at him.

"No need to shove." I grumbled. He rolled his eyes and went to the desk while still keeping an eye on me.

If only I could get a bobby pin or something to get these stupid cuffs off...

Did I mention that I was handcuffed?


Well I am.

It's a long story.


Once Marc, my bodyguard/ parole officer got done with my paperwork he lifted me up and took me to my first class of the day. Well this should be a blast.

I'm currently on a parole prison thing. I'm not in prison but I'm not as free as parole either. I live with Marc who is my parole officer who pretty much guards me 24/7. One of the requirements was that I get an education. For some reason the prison doesn't deliver education or something so here I the nearest high school.

Technically the prison is like an hour from here so I stay in a safehouse with Marc. He's a built 28 year old brown haired beauty who is clearly still irritated that I made fun of him the entire ride here about how he has to spend the next year with me.

He's not bad if you ignore the ignoring he does to me. He's trying to play the whole "strong and silent" type, but it doesn't always work with my nagging.

Hey a girl's gotta have some kinda entertainment?!

"Hey pay attention. You can't afford to get kicked out of this place okay?" Marc tells me as he grabs me by the shoulders outside the homeroom.

I rolled my eyes, "Relax Marc-y! It'll be fiiinnnneeee." I dramatically emphasized. I pointed to my hands cuffed together in front of me, "Can't I get these off though?" I asked him pleadingly.

He shook his head, "Not since the last five times you've escaped! Here," he put his coat over the cuffs so it looked like I just had my hands folded under the coat, "I'll put this here so it's not obvious. You are a flight risk though so there is no way those cuffs are coming off. Are we understood?" He said pointing a finger in my face.

I glared at him and turned kicking the homeroom door in. Marc grumbled and tried to yank me back by an arm as the entire class gasped at what I did. I rolled my eyes, babies...

"Can I help you?" The teacher I'm guessing asked us. He was a middle aged man with these weird glasses that nearly fell off the tip of his nose when I kicked the door down.

Marc went to step forward without me then remembered how the door was open and turned dragging me with him.

I hate being dragged around so much. It's quite irritating.

"Yes this is Ms. Avalon Pierce. She was just enrolled." Marc gave the guy my list and checked to make sure I was there again.

Gessh! You run away only five times and they act like every time they turn around you'll be gone!

Well....I kinda did that several times...


Mr. Droopy glasses looked up at me and squinted, "New?"

"Yeah it means I haven't been here before until now." I smartly told him as I gritted my teeth.

Marc gripped my arm then dragged me to a seat in the back as he stood against the back wall crossing his arms.

"Okay I was saying. This year there will be many changes, including....."

The girl in front of me turned in her seat and smiled at me, "Hi I'm Stacy! And you are?" She asked me cheerfully.

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