"Me, of course."


Hux looked taken aback.

"Supreme Leader, we have a lead. Once we find the Resistance scum we can blast them to smithereens. This message is our first piece of evidence to their location, I am sure of ----"

His voice cut off as Ben started to choke him with the Force through the holo connection.

"NOW." Ben yelled.

"Yes..... Supreme..... Leader...." Hux gasped.

Ben let go of his hold and turned the projector off with a slam of his fist, smashing the button.

"Fix that." Ben ordered one of the officers before heading back down to the training quarters.


Leia and Bloom had gone off to talk in private over what had happened with Han. The others went to grab breakfast.

"So Poe, what exactly happened between you two?" Finn asked, indicating Poe and Bloom.

"We met at the Mirrin Prime Republic Base. We were both pilots in the Starfighter Corps."

"That's how you met, not why you broke up." Rose pointed out. Poe slammed a fist on the table.

"Why is everybody so interested in my past relationship?" He asked loudly. Some of the other Resistance members stared over at him due to his outburst.

"Why does she keep referring to Leia as her Aunt?" Rey asked.

"Her father is Lando Calrissian. He and Han were best friends." Poe explained. "He is also Kylo Ren's godfather." Poe said with hint of bitterness in his voice as he spoke the name.

"Oh." Rey said, hanging her head.

"Where is her mother?" Rose asked.

"She's adopted. Lando raised her on his own. He saw how happy Han and Leia were in the beginning as parents. He wanted the same as them. At least she didn't turn out as evil as Kylo Ren."

"She seems nice." Rose said. Poe made a face.

"Excuse me, Captain Dameron." C3-PO asked, walking up to them, closely followed by R2-D2. "There is an incoming transmission on Ms. Calrissians ship. Have you seen her?"

"She's with the General." Poe said, standing up. "I'll go get them."

Poe and the others followed Leia and Bloom onto the ship. Bloom activated a blinking button on the ships console and a holo projection appeared. An angry man with dark skin, white hair and a moustache appeared.

"BLOOM ORGANA CALRISSIAN. Care to explain why First Order troops are snooping around my city???" Lando asked, arms folded angrily.

"I'm sorry Daddy, I had to." Bloom said, eyes red from crying. "Daddy, Uncle Han is dead."

The projection was quiet.

"Leia...." Lando said quietly, his projection turning to look at the General. "Is this true?"

"Yes.... I'm so sorry Lando." Leia said. Lando put a hand to his head, and looked down in sadness and frustration.

"It was Ben wasn't it?" Lando said, still looking down.

"It was Kylo Ren." Leia said.

"Leia." Lando said, sighing and shaking his head. "They're the same person."

"No, they're not." Rey said, stepping forward. "Ben would never do such a thing."

"Rey." Poe said, grabbing her arm to pull her back.

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